Black church group railing against candidate due to his stance on gay marriage...
Many blacks are homophobic, maybe because of the importance of Christianity. It’s harder come out when black.
... some people enjoy routing the weiner through the pee hole in the underoos... they don't have to be naked... and break out the gun oil - no need to get raw back there...
I'm sorry, " groups says" at the beginning of a statement already preps me for ignorance, hatred, belligerence, and general bafoonery that it's like reading an Onion article. We are a bunch of atheists... did you want us to take this seriously? I'd take a tantrum from a 3 year old much more seriously.
It's not marriage. And what's 'raw'? Lol
Raw is what gay men do! Raw. Women just don't understand.
This Ben person,must not know any gay men? Since sex is an act of nature, wouldn’t you think that people would not blow everything about it out of proportion?
@icolan ...and since it does not affect them personally one way or the other, why do they care? I could care less what they do with their sexual nature as long as no one is harmed!