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Did you know that the top 0.1% average income per year is 27 million $ verses the bottom 90% is $31200.

Marine 8 July 5

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That doesn't surprise me. The richest people's 'income' probably comes from the profits created by their staff who work in their businesses.


As the profits and pay increases for the wealthy Americans increase they are leaving the rest of Americans behind with below average incomes that once were protected by unions. Today there isn't anyone to protect the wage earner as corporations said take what we give you or we will move overseas. Many have done just that and the tariff situation will make this even worse because corporations are not going to let profits go down the drain. Carrier, Harley are already moving and they will be followed soon by others.Trump instead of going about trade discussions in a diplomatic way is trying to bully the world to get his demands and it is stupid.

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