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Religious and Athiest

Can a relationship be sustained between anow Athiest and Religious believer?

CodyMack 4 July 5

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I think it is possible for the relationship to work. It won't be easy by no stretch of the imagination. During some point in the relationship the atheist can turn the religious from dark side dogma. I willing to do this for wouldn't die alone.


I was unable to make it work. My ex is very committed, to the extent that her religion took first place, and rational discussion of her beliefs was impossible. Perhaps it can work where the religion in question isn't quite so demanding of exclusive devotion. Obviously people are all different, some other atheists could perhaps be more tolerant of magical thinking. Not, however, this particular atheist. I just can't bear it, much less respect it.


Yes, but I find it difficult. The key is for each one to respect the others beliefs


Of course, so long as they respect each others views. They have more in common than they haven't


This question reminds me of this episode of Seinfeld.


I have am friends with a married couple who cheer rival college football teams (OSU and Michigan) and they make it work, so... It seems possible. Didn't work for me, but we had other, bigger, problems.


I've seen weirder combinations in love but why would any Atheist want to be with a Believer?

Not every believer tries to force their belief or cares if you do or don't believe as well. As an atheist, I dated numerous women of Christian denominations, Muslims, and Pagans. Granted we didn't date long, but that was because I'm an antisocial person, had nothing to do with their faith.

@CodyMack I wasn't even considering them trying to convert me, that would be a nonstarter and deal breaker but just the delusional mind set is what makes me think it couldn't work for very long.

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