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Morning mood, cheerful or grumpy?

What is your mood when you wake up in the morning? I'm one of the lucky ones because I wake up in a happy cheerful mood. I think you're born with your morning mood and you're stuck with it for life. I also think you're very, very fortunate if you're one of the cheerful ones. Does it carry over for the rest of the day? It does for me, as I'm always cheerful and optimistic. But is this true for everyone? What do you think?

  • 21 votes
  • 16 votes
ezwryder 7 July 7

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I am always thankful for the new day but sometimes feel like shit if the night involved too much alcohol or not enough sleep.


I can't person or adult until coffee flows inside me
Im also not responsible for any actions taken up to 5 minutes after I have awakened LOL


I think the majority of the time I'm grumpy in the morning, but not always. I like to wake up cheerful but it's usually downhill from there.


Cheerful, After all I have a passel of Diem to carpe!? (Unless someone/something fucks it up) very rare.


It does carry over for the rest of the day, with proper intakes of coffee ?


Cheerful and pleasant. I have a young child. So I model the behavior I want to see in him.


But I've had mornings...not so bright. Don't we all.

EvaV Level 7 July 8, 2018

I always start the day with a positive mood and good intentions.
BuT THAT always goes DOWN as soon as my WIFE GETS UP ☹

hmm better to get a divorce..


As soon as I’ve showered and woken up I’m cheerful

Then you probably get a good night's sleep. Not me. I snore.


I wake up grumpy because I love to sleep but once I get going, whether it's work or just a day off, I become cheerful


Cheerful, no doubt. Seven o'clock at my desk ready to take on whatever that day life decides to throw at me. Rain or shine...


Grumpy groggy horrible mood all my life gave up bread and wheat 3 weeks ago woken up not groggy ever since


Grumpy until I've had my coffee!!!

N7EIE Level 6 July 7, 2018

Depends on wether i'm left alone or not ?


I'm cheerful providing I don't have my routine disrupted 🙂


I jump out of bed ready to get right back in with a smile. 🙂


I'm not a morning person at all.

You should have added a third option: 'antichrist'.


Cheerful after a cuppa, of course...




Ready to rock and roll in the AM.

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