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Cutting out the clitoris

Is it against American law for Muslims to cut out the clitoris of young girls in this country? Is it a violation of church and state? Funny, we are required to wear seat belts in a car but Christian snake handlers are welcome to handle rattle snakes and get bitten.
I guess in this country it is not against the law to believe in forceful over through of the government. It's just against the law to speak for it. Where do religious freedoms begin and end? I don't know. Churches have tax free income. I guess a mosque does also.
So the poll question is "Do Muslims in this country have the right to cut out the clitoris of teenagers? yes or no?

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Grecio 7 July 7

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I think whenever anyone goes to the polls to vote in our society, they should be required to sign a paper that declares they do not believe in Sharia Law and do believe in separation of church and state. If the voter can't sign then they should be deported. Muslims will never give up the idea of Sharia and Islamic rule. Islam governs every aspect of a Muslims life because that's what the Koran says.
Muslims apparently believe that lying to apostates is OK as long as it is used to further Islam. Muslims here in America are not assimilating into our society. They are grouping themselves into Islamic neighborhoods and camps. The mosques in the USA are being used to promote jihad. Look at Europe. The mass Muslim migration has almost taken over France, England, and Germany. The migration has ruined freedom in those countries. The Muslim countries that border Syria won't even take the refugees. Call me an Islamaphobe, I don't care. Foreign born Muslims have no place in American society. They are coming here to change our way of life into Sharia Law. That is their objective whether it takes 10 years, 50, or a 100. They will not stop. We should stop the immigration of Muslims into this country.

Grecio Level 7 July 15, 2018

Genital mutilation is just that.
Don't. Just. Don't.


To me, freedom of religion means YOU can choose whatever religion YOU want to follow. Forcing unnecessary surgery onto children should be banned.


As some might see it as mutilation, some may also argue the same for circumcision yet that is more widely done and accepted I might add.. It's the freedoms we have that give the parents the right to choose how they want to raise their kids.

@Hebert54 I don't like it, but we also pierce our childrens ears at a young age. Is that mutilation?

@Hebert54 It is difficult to compare, I'm not saying it's ok to mutilate a child's sexual organs by any means. I'm just saying where do you draw the line? In some cultures it's ok to eat dog. We are a country of many people and cultures. I think it's wrong to circumcise baby boys, but we do it.

Edit: I just noticed you're from UK, I can only speak for my own country.

@Hebert54 You seem very intent on arguing with me. I don't know why. I'm on your side man. I don't think parents should have the right to take away a clitoris or foreskin of their children of any age, unless medically necessary. Reiterating the question, "Do Muslims in this country have the right to cut out the clitoris of teenagers?" In my country, the US... "As of July 2017, 26 states had passed legislation making FGM (female genitalia mutilation) illegal. Several of these states passed legislation that made it illegal to perform FGM on anyone, while federal law only protects those under 18." I don't know what states. I was simply stating it's allowed. It seems to be a work in progress to getting it banned. Time will tell.


What this discussion is about (in my opinion) is where does separation of church and state begin and end? For one thing, why are churches tax exempt? Remember several years ago, the government (or somebody) tried to take away the tax exempt status of that Scientology crap. Of course, all religion is crap. I think Christianity is the largest industry in our little county.

Grecio Level 7 July 10, 2018

In book called "Desert Flower" by Waris Diri she relates the time leading up to her mutilation as a small girl, including some background on the societal pressures, as well as the experience of being hacked at with a broken razor blade, her subsequent ongoing problems & her "recovery" to the extent that that was possible. Sad, but an important & informative memoir.

Carin Level 8 July 9, 2018

Do they have the right? I honestly have no idea. I don't believe that they should, though. I also find circumcision to be abhorrent, but that doesn't stop millions of Christians

No, it is illegal here. But parents & practitioners do it secretly & I guess the girls don't report it. Many are very young. Very few prosecutions. Last year a muslim doctor in the US got caught. She was female & entirely unrepentant. Really sad, though at least having a doctor do it reduces fatalities.

I do agree about male circumcision but it kills fewer kids than the various forms of mutilation perpetrated on females. Many people don't realize that over 100 male infants die from it every year in the US alone. I certainly never would have had it done on my little boys.

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