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What kind of person are you a sucker for?

VelociraptorRemy 6 July 7

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Oh, boy. My attractions are unhealthy. I fall head over heeles for intelligent people with large egos and that make me feel needed to an extreme. I'm working on it though--I'm currently in one of the healthiest and happiest relationships I've ever been in and my partner embodies none of those characteristics. 🙂

Mea Level 7 July 11, 2018

People that speak more than one language.


Sucker for? Bad boys, Workaholics, wanna be musicians....Starving artists, melodramatic gloom and doom types... Now ask me what kind I want! lol What is it with that?

Ok. What kind do you want?


No weakness. You can seduce me.... if I allow to be seduced... on my terms, case by case basis, no kryptonite. Not even a dancer, a model, an artist... brain must be functional. Used to like my ex wife type... No weakness! Anymore!


Teachers and scientists


Humorous nihilist with a good smile and nice hands

Love a good smile ☺


The kind there are apparently too few of 😕

Varn Level 8 July 7, 2018

Almost anything wearing a skirt???....

I happen to be wearing a skirt right this minute.

I just changed, dang it!

@Minta79 that's cruel an unusual punishment !! No need to tease me like that !!!! ????

@Marcie1974 oh well, missed opportunity ?

@Marcie1974 teasing ass straight girls, at it again! Lol

@Akfishlady that goes without saying ???

@Minta79 guilty as charged


Theatrical women, performers, artists, creative types. Also women who are fairly open or expressive emotionally. And Batgirl. My kryptonite: Unavailable women, by choice or circumstance. I'm working on recognizing and countering that attraction.

I can relate. We always want what we can't have.

I can also relate on the unavailable part. It seems like I have no problem meeting amazing women... I just can't meet an amazing woman that is actually available and interested in return.


I've always been a white knight, looking for women that need rescuing. Alays tipping at windmills. A hopeless romantic. Believe me when I tell you it's not a good strategy. I've learned that dating someone because you feel they need saving is excessively presumptious. It disrespects the other person and puts you in a position of superiority. After all you must be better than they are, or you wouldn't be saving them.

Let's just say I've learned better over time.


Intelligent, tall, physically active, willing to share an opinion and discuss, literate.


Women who are assertive, empathetic, sympathetic, inciteful, truthful, open, reflective, and who love to laugh make my juices flow. And there is no shortage of such wonderful women everywhere. At least that has been my experience over the past 50 years, and counting. LLOL


Short and fairly petite (proportionate), feminine, brunette (medium to long), a mix of submissive yet aggressive, good sense of humor with a little bit of sarcasm, soft spoken, laid back, kind, caring, very sexual and passionate or in other words a freak lol


Crazy/anxious, hot, brunette Gemini women who talk a lot.


Nonsmoking, skinny effeminate/androgynous happy Asian men .


I seem to have a thing for bipolar, not something I look for just always happens

Well bipolar people certainly make life interesting. Frustrating as Hell but never a dull moment...

@VelociraptorRemy very true


Just being narcissistic, but my personality in a female would do just fine.

So essentially you would date yourself? ?

@VelociraptorRemy Definitely! Would you not?

@DSGavde Hell no. I would drive myself insane! Then again, I would know exactly what I wanted ?

@VelociraptorRemy Then your partner must be having quite the tough time?


Cute but troubled.


I guess I like a little bit of mystery... not too much, but a little.


Smart, compassionate, wickedly funny, with a dirty mind to match my own, similar values and interests, and the same desire for me that I have for her.

All that in the same package and I'm done for ?

Sounds like a good list ?

@VelociraptorRemy I tend to think so. I like to keep it simple and straightforward.


Brainiacs with a wicked sense of humor; someone with whom I can complete sentences, not because we're romantically in sync, but because our minds are equally in the gutter. ?


Ex military, esp. Navy. Also, hot cowboys.


Impossible , jaded , chronically anti-social women , ha .


Apparently punishment.

Maple Ridge is a town where everybody sleeps with everybody and cheats with everybody. Those with self respect mechanisms have no choice but to remain hidden and single. As a survivor of abuse I am extremely reluctant to date. I need to break and obliterate the "sucker for punishment" air that surrounds.


A damaged woman you think you can fix. Never say never, but be very careful.

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