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Inner Dialog

Are you kind to yourself in your thoughts? How healthy is your inner dialog?

AMGT 8 July 8

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No. I wish I were.

So many of us are our own worst enemy. (This is a very good post of yours.)


I probably berate myself more often than I realize.


Guilt and self-loathing.
On the upside... anti-psychotic drugs. πŸ™‚


The worst part abotu my religious upbrining ws that I was taught to "knock myself down".

Not Worthy right?

@AMGT Nobody is "born guilty", but many are taught to feel guilty just for existing.


I'm pretty hard on myself most of the time. Leftovers from childhood? I don't doubt it, but I'm no shrink.


True and this is called living.


I usually just take a nap.

@AMGT ? ?


I’ll attempt to tweak anything I discover needs work within myself, but never blame myself.. My frustration, sorrow and disappointment is the fact I can’t do the same for humanity 😟

Varn Level 8 July 8, 2018

My inner dialog too often devolves into thinking I can change the past or rehearsing for a future that doesn't exist. Surprising right? A 12-stepper with control issues...

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