People from Oregon will adjust, I hope nobody breaks a vein in their head over it lols, they are spoiled
I live in Oregon. Lived here my entire life. I think it's funny that people are poking fun at us for having to pump our own gas like everyone else. But here's the thing, I think everyone else should be up in arms because they do pump their own gas. It's like if your whole life you went out to eat, then suddenly the waiters stopped bringing out the food. Am I incapable of getting it myself? No. But my whole life that is just part of the service. But here's why I think everyone else should be up in arms about doing it yourself. The price of my gas isn't going to change at all. I'm not going to pay less for a missing service, it's going to cost me exactly the same. Which means I've been getting something for free that everyone doesn't get.But instead of everyone else demanding this service they want to mock Oregonians for not wanting to lose a service FROM THE OIL COMPANIES that we were always getting for free.Is pumping your own gas really so great, so life-affirming that I should want to do it when I have the option?
You DO make a good point with the wait service analogy.
Ive been in Oregon once on a road trip back in the early 2000s and a friend i was on the trip with informed me that gas stations there still had full service just about state wide i guess, i found it to be pretty cool, even tho in my last comment on this post i was being sarcastic. its actually not a bad idea for most states to try and go back to it a bit see how the modern world likes it!
New Jersey is the only state I know of that pumps it for you I get impatient waiting for an attendent when I visit. Small price to pay when you have legal
I agree... I'm impatient too. Hate waiting on them.