I was driving along today in my car and had a thought about intelligence and religious belief. My intuition told me immediately that there would be a negative correlation. I looked it up and there is some research to support it. The link is one meta study.
QUOTE:"A negative correlation between intelligence and religion makes sense if religion is considered an instinct, and intelligence the ability to rise above one's instincts, say researchers Edward Dutton and Dimitri van der Linden in their new paper published today."
I love that way of considering intelligence, that it is "the ability to rise above one's instincts"
PS: Having said all that, I once had a research supervisor in mathematical physics, he was into general relativity and applied mathematics. So highly intelligent in his field. Brilliant research. And he was also devoutly religious. So we refer to the old saying that correlation does not imply causation.
This means that intelligent people can be very religious too sometimes. Perhaps they were indoctrinated an an early age, and have not had the time to nut it out. Maybe they stay ostensibly religious to satisfy their family members. I have anecdotal evidence of the latter as well.
Newton,Copernicus,Descartes,Pascal,Boyle,Faraday,Kelvin, and many more ,All Scientists and Mathematicians -All believers . I would say these guys were pretty bright wouldn’t you.
The results didn't say that there are no bright people that are religious.
I also gave the example of my very smart supervisor physicist who was very religious.
The people you quote are historical, I think that in historical times depending on which part of the world you were living, open atheism was not popular as you might have got beheaded or something. Even these days some people wouldn't be able to be truthful depending on their position, especially religious leaders.
It's a correlation not causation.
I also believe you can be smart or not smart whether you believe in god. For me? I'm pretty fucking stupid when it comes to big ass words, math and generally things I have no knowledge on of course. So... lol. But this one dude I know, I have no clue if he is religious but he doesn't seem like it. He is the smartest person I have ever met. It's like talking to a scientist or something!
You are correct .Unfortunately some people enjoy the delusion of being intellectually superior to others
I believe that too, it's just that the results show a negative correlation between intelligence and religion, no conclusions can be drawn for individuals, it's a big picture thing.
We didn't need a scientific study, we already knew this
It is very rare for one in the sciences to believe in God. I believe there was a poll once that showed over 90% were in fact non-believers. In my own profession (farmer) I am in the minority as it seems nearly everyone is a Christian. There are quite a few clergy in the pulpit that are in fact atheists as well, they just can't reveal their personal beliefs because they need that paycheck and/or they are married to believers and fear for the breakup of their families. I personally can't see how anyone of even moderate intelligence can look at all the information out there can continue to believe.
Regarding clergy who are atheists. It must be hard for people who are fully involved in their church and family and friends and are all intertwined in the religion. Turning your back on the religion can mean turning your back on your family and friends. I have seen this personally, a friend of mine was in a christian cult, so that's even worse than a normal religion, can be very insular. She uprooted herself and moved to another city! it was the only way as no one would accept her denial of the religion. Her family now speaks to her again and have come to terms with her non belief. This was a major and very emotional change. I think a lot of people just opt to stay quiet about it as they value the social infrastructure they enjoy, something which was built up over many years.
@ripcurldane I learned of this issue with Atheist Clergy on You Tube, there is actually a group that helps clergy leave with Job training and so on, they are called the Clergy Project and they vet those who wish to join to ensure they are genuine in their desire to get out and not just there to spy on the group.
@misstuffy I love that, great to see that happening.
@ripcurldane I think it is wonderful too, they help no matter the religion or denomination. When the first started this project they thought there were just a few only to learn there are hundreds out there seeking a way out. Many go into seminary school hopeful but what they learn in those classes disillussions them with regards to God's existence. I for one would love to know just what is being taught in those classes, whatever it is I hope they keep it up. Who knew the religious institutions would be so responsible for creating new atheists out of fervent Christians!
@ripcurldane A lot of the clergy would leave but lack job skills in other areas. The Clergy Project works on job training but their funds are limited so donations to help relocate and retrain former and current clergy looking for a way out is much appreciated I imagine.
I tend to take issue with studies that try to measure one group against another, particularly when it comes to attribute qualities such as intelligence. It strikes me as little more than fuel for one's superiority complex. There doesn't seem to be any practical point to intellectual dick-measuring.
It's probably harmless enough to be a know-it-all jerk on the individual skirmish level, though. Which is a relief.
There are a lot of very intelligent people that are religious but when it comes to religion ad God they are unwilling to listen to anything that would compromise their beliefs, many of these are in the clergy or make their living with religion based businesses. The believers buy a lot of paraphanalia to go with their God addiction, Bibles, crosses, robes for the choir, religious music, stained glass windows, toast with Jesus on it... you get the picture
A person is born with a predetermined IQ and a mixture of any thing else that comes after this such as a belief system etc .This belief emanates from their culture and or immediate surroundings . IQ has nothing to do with what you believe in or do not believe in, but may play a part in your deviation from an indoctrinated belief
That's a pretty reasonable assertion. Nice.