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QUESTION Do you want to live a longer healthier life?

A book report “A Crack in Creation Gene - editing and the unthinkable power to control evolution” was covered in the Sept. Oct. Issue of the Humanist magazine. The report is worth reading.
However, I have a different take on this issue. As a long time (25+ years) letter writer who has written hundreds of letters seeking to question and add comments on various subjects I am including a letter (my 3rd) printed in the latest issue of this publication. Letters, phone calls and other actions can and do make a difference. Recently, a concerted, multi-pronged effort (like writing what is known as scoping letters) was able to stop what was billed as the largest coal terminal in the country from being built.
I am curious of what others think.

In his review of A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to control Evolution by Jennifer Doudna and Samuel Sternberg (N/D 2017), reviewer Carl Coon discusses some positive and negative effects of the gene editing technology CRISPR. One thing CRISPR cannot control is human behavior and our impact on the planet. One serious question not asked is: if this technology allows for more humans to lead longer and disease free lives what impact would that have on our numbers and, thereby, our carbon footprint. If rules were set up limiting the progeny of those who would participate in the technology what would that do to the generation spectrum?

To address a past issue (March/April, 2016) of this publication “When the Human in Humanism is not Enough” we need to overcome the serious problem of anthropocentrism? 15,000+ scientists just issued a dire warning about the problems that particular issue is causing.
Jack Pedigo
Lopez Island, WA 98261

JackPedigo 9 Jan 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I believe overpopulation is BULLSHIT. There is enough land on earth for everybody, I believe there is enough food on earth for everybody. Problem is those with the means wanting to control production for a profit. I heard there is not enough money on earth to pay all debts of those who own money on earth. You looking for a problem to solve on a global basis? Why don't you start there? Don't make sense to me not all debt will be paid and then again tomorrow a new loan will be granted. We throw away food on a daily basis. Don't we?

What number of people do you think the planet could sustain? 100 billion? 50 billion? Is there an upper limit? It's simply a numbers game. The basic question I ask is: why?

The evidence is out there, all one has to do is look.

@JackPedigo the food is already out there too, all you have to do is give. How much land is available for crops used instead on golf courses and baseball fields? I reckon you also hunt too. You must be feeling crowded here?

@GipsyOfNewSpain I am a vegetarian and do not hunt or fish! I hear the food thing over and over and it is just plain wrong on many counts. I once got into a debate on giving food, which I said I would not do. Someone on this site agreed with me and said that food without family planning was just plain immoral (it is). I was called names and asked questions (mostly stupid) but after explaining my side with evidence more and more came to understand the simple point it is very complicated and there are many externalities most ignore.

@JackPedigo I don't hunt, I don't fish... But I eat meat, what gives you the right to decide who should procreate? Is that your religion? I won't call you names but you can't come up with numbers sustainable versus not sustainable with all land and all food available on earth plus all the technology available to produce more food as needed. Your sounding of morality based on elitism is well... ridiculously elitist but hey, I am not trying to convert you or invite you to a steak. All I am saying is you have no right to control "population" on earth.

@GipsyOfNewSpain I have heard the term elitist before. A professor at UC Davis said people who were vegetarian were elitist because not everyone could afford that lifestyle! The fact is that to provide food needed to feed 7+ Billion and counting people today requires GMO's, lots of chemicals (which results in massive environmental destruction) and lots of land (sprawl and is one of the leading causes of habitat loss for non-humans). When I was on the board of ZPG we did lots of workshops and activities with all ages (K-college). These workshops addressed everything you said but in a manner most all could understand. The earth is not made of rubber, it has limited resources and will not expand to meet OUR needs. In the end morality is about preserving all life, human and non-human. Explain how it is moral to allow our numbers and excesses to cause the sixth great extinction (which is happening right now) which may include our own. My late partner had a question for her 2nd. graders: "What is more important people or dirt". It seems many adults also have a problem with this simple idea.

You never did answer my first question about putting a number of humans the planet can accommodate. When names and accusations are used one needs to have some evidence and reason based proof otherwise it is using the same emotion based ideals the religionists use. Debate is about facts not hyperbole.

@JackPedigo is not your eating habits what makes you elitist, don't glorify yourself like that.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Still, you didn't answer my first question. No one has so far.
I am posting a question that deals with this issue.

@JackPedigo I want to live My life. If Shorter been Full of Adventure to fill and trump a healthier longer life. Is not the quantity of years... Is the Quality, is what you do with your health. You go on and Veg yourself. I won't stop you.


Oh yeh the point of the post, No way do I wish to purchase life, I have purchased a number of surgeries throughout my life but the timing was the only factor. Dead today, tomorrow or a decade from now matters not to me not should it to anyone who understands that nothing really dies, it just transforms into another system, Enjoy life is all that is asked of us Enjoy your dreams and have the confidence to present yourself to the world with a smile and talent.

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 10, 2018

Population control is paramount to the survival of all species . We , the homo sapien , have reached all areas of the planet and altered all we have occupied. The ONLY way to handle this population is too embrace science fully. We need to create better ways to produce food, water and shelter. We need to provide massive amounts of energy not capable by today/s standards.

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 10, 2018

Overpopulation is truly terrible. The religious are so insane. A natural disaster strikes an island, devastating it, we send the people food why don't we send them birth control? Because God wouldn't like that. Just make more babies to die. Go to Mexico and see the throngs of street children everywhere, it's totally idiotic. We're so obsessed in the United States with God and procreation. Everyone wants to think they are special or "God's chosen one". I don't care about living longer, just living without being a burden to people or a pawn in the State of Texas system. Scary stuff.

I remember Lake Waco. I got a terrible burn there.
Thank you for recognizing the problem of overpopulation and especially coupling food aid programs with family planning. It seems I am beating my head against a wall trying to convince people of this link. You are the FIRST person to make it and be open about, wow.
However, I am submitting a question today which disputes the religious connection. I truly believe it goes beyond religion.


Nah I don't really want to live very long. This world sucks!

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