Without targeting or embarrassing an individual poster, what kind of writing/ written mistakes are you noticing? I’ve one: the phrase, “I could care less.” Oh, then why don’t you? Should read, “I couldn’t care less” ...or, to, instead of too. You?
As a dyslexic, I've worked to improve my skill with words, punctuation, sentences and paragraphs. My struggle with spelling interferes with my train of thought, and causes other more global mistakes. When someone corrects one of my mistakes, I always say thank you.
If you are bugged my my mistakes, that's your problem, not mine. You need to develop a kinder attitude. I'm doing the best I can.
Too/to, your/youre, their/there, absent punctuation... All the regular ones. But one idiom that sends me up a wall is 'how come?' ..... Use the word why. [I'm also imperfect, but if i notice i've made an error, i do edit and correct. My exceptions are the non-capitalized i, emphasizing how small i feel and using ellipses insteas of commas]
I’ve moved from Oregon to Appalachia ...and I’m not trying to put my new neighbors down.. But it’s amazing how often we’ll ignore improper grammar when it’s spoken, as long as we get the gist of it … as opposed to how irritating and often idiotic it appears when written. Much like a trump transcript
My main concern ‘around here’ is the hope many of us are using ..reasonable grammer to the point that if we were to submit a letter to an editor, and said editor was religious, and let slide our mistakes in an attempt to discredit our message ...that we’d sound better than not. Or, making our case in any public forum..
I apologize if blathering here, and your “i’s” are ok with me [i actually feel lowercase indicates someone with more important things to do than up-shift] … I’m likely the last person around here who should even attempt to point out ‘bad grammer.’ In high school, mine was crap, spelling - even worse!
It wasn’t until word processors came along that I was freed up enough to ..just get it down - and mess with it later. That actually became my mantra while working with troubled HS & middle sch. students.. There, I’d suggest they simply capture their thoughts … then I get all petty & irritated around here
Anyway, thanks for chiming in ~ (and ‘this ~’? ...had a gf who’d use those in her texts, I liked it, still do ~
@Varn the point of communication is to convey an idea so others comprehend. To that end, grammar is a tool. In a formal letter, where tone is lacking, you are correct, it is indeed more important than in conversation.
The passive use of "comprise" (e.g., "it's comprised of ..." ) drives me up the wall. I wish people would stop using the word comprise until they learn to use it properly.
I try to keep my inner Grammar Police in check and allow exceptions for casual writing, ESL writers, and such. However (of course there's a however, right? ), it drives me nuts that the only grammar rule some people seem to remember is the archaic one that contractions are forbidden.
Oh! Just thought of another one! I call this the "Old English Rule" because I think it was actually done once upon a time: randomly capitalizing words the writer considers to be important.
Here, these need further mention : "irregardless" For all intensive purposes? I could care less?” Perfectly troubling
...‘intensive purposes,’ a gift that keeps on giving..
I am definitely not holding up myself as the arbitrator of grammar, especially amid ESL folks (possessing powers beyond my own), but as mentioned, don’t want ‘our messages’ discounted or sidetracked by simple mistakes... I do like to squeeze written communication for all it’s worth, though … right down to contractions
There are various standards.. I’ve written and submitted numerous letters to editors (did a thread on those, too), then had fits over their final ‘editing.’ So, instead of attempting to outsmart their ‘proofreading style program,’ (I forget it’s name, but there’s really such a thing!) ..I reluctantly conformed ...and perhaps learned.. Anymore, I envision folks pecking away on their phones, lucky to hit the correct letter ..but when basic mistakes are made, I cringe.
So - I think ‘however’ works, especially followed by your comma. And yes, it seems the real sticklers grammar-wise are ..older… And yes (should sentences be started with ‘and,’ ‘but,’ or ‘or’ ) -- random, or ‘Emphasis Capitalization.’ Took me forever to figure that one out.. How bout multiple exclamation or question marks???!!! But before I begin (or continue) sounding like a grammar curmudgeon … please people, some paragraph breaks and occasional commas.. They apparently melt my heart ~
Oh, shoot, @Varn, I was in no way commenting on your age! No, no, no! I was referring to WAYYYYY back in history. I used to proof for a client who insisted on things such as "We will be sending you a Report that will help you find Your Inner Light, and make you write the President .... "
I totally agree with your point. It's all about communication. Some people don't understand how their message can be muddled if they don't utilize basic grammar rules. There's a reason why, historically, reading and writing were withheld from the lower classes as a method of communication.
That said, I'll do my best with paragraph breaks and commas but forgive when I get free and loose with casual communication!
@Lauren You’re definitely forgiven, on all counts, though I wasn’t referring to myself regarding age ..at least not yet Ever listened to the NPR Grammar snipits..? They’ll get so bogged down.. ..on ancient rules, I have to laugh - and hope I never get that bad
I helped edit a daughter's college papers, that was fun.. (not). She’d remind me of the instructors ‘formal writing expectations’ ..while I’d be pushing the envelope… We both learned, but it’d would be so fun to get back to somewhere ‘like this’ where I could be reckless & sloppy
"Alot" is not a word! "Setup" is not a verb!
...just don’t hold me to either of those, please.. I want ‘us’ to get our messages across as clear and accurate as we can
There's a blog I've followed that has the perfect antidote to "alot" instead of "a lot". I now think of this Alot whenever I see the word misspelled.
Alot! ??? in a professional email some dumbell sent the word allot instead of a lot. I assumed spellcheck suggested and she had no clue the spelling of one or definition of the other.
Lmao. You don't want to open that can of worms with a 100ft pole. My family will take you down all the rabbit holes including obscure word definitions, and even academic debates of the likes of Harry Potter, LOTR and Monty Python.
My sister is a BS Forensics.
I have an MA Sociology.
My mom has a MS library science.
Ordered from recent to distant past, my dad has multiple degrees in English, Linguistics and Psychology. He's also a certified master tutor and TESOL certified ESL instructor. My dad is a retired mainframe computer programmer - he was a high end troubleshooter who built or rebuilt programs and subsystems for the likes of the IRS, Motorola, et cetera. He self taught himself over a dozen mainframe computer languages. He only had a 2 year trade degree in computer programming. Before going into computer programming, he was at MIT on a full scholarship in advanced math and science. He got board and dropped out after 3 years with a 4.0gpa. If you argue academics with my dad, you're only chance to be right is if his information is out of date.
Consider your audience, says my inner voice. Around here, it’s extremely varied, a good thing. So here’s an opportunity to share the annoying mistakes that jump out at you, without shaming or embarrassing anyone. You may ignore your dad, unless he’s lurking…
@Varn To my knowledge he isn't on this website. But he's surprised me before. For example, he joined Facebook about a month after I did.
@Coffeo Yes. They were trying to pressure him into helping design a missile firing system. He quit effective immediately. The funny part is he made a lot more money computer programming.
Funny you ask. It just struck me how little I have to argue with any of the posts or comments on this forum, so much that I feel inclined to correct peoples' grammar just to indulge my bitchy side.
Bad grammar, misspellings, improper punctuation, and clichés always bug me, but I never want to derail a healthy conversation. That said, I tend to discount posts riddled with careless mistakes, unless it's clearly a language barrier issue.
My biggest bugaboo is probably the one long paragraph. For the love of Science, find the Return button and use it liberally!
Brilliant. The reason I’ve brought this up is in order for those with such an important message to better convey it to the world. Yes, attempting to stay focused within a ‘run-on paragraph’ is tedious and distracting.
Break it up, folks! We’re not paying by the inch around here
@Varn in defense of the run on paragraph, some messaging apps use the enter/return button to submit. I admit i use the ten inch paragraph when i forget i can break it up without sending multiple comments for a single response.