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3D art and 3D printing.

Though I haven't touched my P.C for a few years, due to illness and messy marital separation... I've actually turned it back on.

Self taught and proficient in Maya and learning Zbrush. I almost completed ( self taught ) my own 3D printing service webpage with Drupal. That also took a backseat due to the aforemented obstacles in my life. I was a kickstarter for Formlabs 3D printers and purchased a Form1. The printers laser module burnt out, it was shipped back stateside and they sent me a Form1+ in exchange.

Sadly this also had the same problem...laser diode/module malfunctioned. Now, unsurprisingly they had cancelled overseas repairs unless you paid for shipping. Teething problems and unreliable lasers are somehow now my issue lol, convenient. I refuse to pay the $600AUD + in shipping for a new bloody laser.

Have any of you fine people purchased or had experiences with Formlabs printers? Or know anyone who may have? To kickstart my life and regain hope for it, returning to my art and getting, at least, my printer working would be cool. I'm trying to source the laser module for it but it seems almost impossible to find any here.

I've been in contact with the Aussie branch and they are only shopfront selling the products...not much help in fact. I'm throwing the line out here because you never know right 😉

Any help, suggestions or reviews on the printer would be awesome. Have a great day.

Bullet6813 4 July 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I used to work with Maya as a video game artist at Electronic Arts until I injured my shoulder. Would love to get back into it...

I was involved in two MMORPG Indie games in my spare time when I was working FIFO. Hard yakka is all I can say lol. Hope you do get back into mate, wish I had the abilities to do it for a living myself.

Hard yakka alright! Funny how when I tell people who don't know anything about the industry and the intense production process they think we just get paid to play video games all day 😛


I used to work on formlabs machines, the company I worked for were the European distributers of the form1

Unfortunately, even if you can source a laser you don't have the calibration equipment to be able to realign everything.

Have you considered asking the for a trade-in deal & getting the form2 at discount due to the problems you've had with your form1?

Might be worth a try, there was a time when they were selling parts such as lasers, galvos & galvo block mirrors but customer still had to send them in for recalibration.

Probably not the answer you were hoping for, sorry

Thanks Tricky!!! Calibration is no barrier to me mate. I've calibrated lasers, Surveying equipment etc all my life. One of my close friends specialises in both optical and laser calibration as well. He has all sorts of rigs for baseline calibration etc. Calibration isn't hard at all when you've done it a few hundred times lol.

The only issue would be the over ride coding/adjustment possibly? I've already spent over 5k on the damn thing too mate. Kind a big in the cods, especially as I was a kickstarter sponsor. I'm on social security and don't have enough money to eat let alone send it stateside. Piss poor from their end to be honest.

Thank you so very much for your input though mate!!

I don't know if it's changed now or how available parts are but last year it was 180 euros for a laser.
The calibration tools are also used for re leveling the bed & the tilt settings.
The rigs we used were supplied by them & we only got a 2nd set by begging & pleading. It was hard to keep up with all the repairs with 1 set of equipment...

@Tr1cky1983 I would imagine so mate. The bloody lasers were a big failure indeed. Not to mention they didn't account for the popularity of it after kickstart...I had to wait 18 months just to get my printer! They had no logistical management whatsoever. Shit!! That much for the laser!!! What a rip off!

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