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Dating after 50

Is it just me, or is dating after 50 a nightmare?

It seems like almost everyone is so religious, which narrows the pool significantly.

Then out of those who are left the majority fall into one of these categories: looking for a nurse/care giver,
looking for someone MUCH younger to recapture their youth or REPUBLICAN

Then of the 10 people in your region that are don't like 5 and the other 5 don't like you.

OYE! I think I just need a gay best friend to do things with and a new vibrator.

Crimson67 8 Jan 6

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340 comments (176 - 200)

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Crimson you nailed it! LMBO!


I was going to say try being in Texas but then noticed your in E town KY.
I’ve always had a hard time finding someone, I’m just glad it didn’t take as long to find my second husband as it did my first.
Try finding a guy at 35 that still wants kids. In Texas, and you’re a liberal Atheist.
Second time, try finding someone that doesn’t mind that you’re 45 and have a 9 year old.
But I did find my present (2nd) husband fairly quickly on Match and he’s a couple years younger and his younger son is only a couple of years older than my son. So it does happen.


I've read this post twice. I think I can just about agree with all of it. One thing I find is people that want you to entertain them. Now what is that all about? You know the type. You wake up in the morning and they ask immediately "what are we going to do today?"


I really don't know. No one asks me out. My girlfriends tell me I intimidate men.
I don't care. Like others I'm happy with myself and content. I believe in"never say never" I don't know what the future holds.


Either very religious or damaged/bitter/just plain pissed off about relationships and the other sex in general. It's a minefield.


I'm well over 50 and my experience with dating men my age or older, is they're in a "break neck" hurry....I mean like they're going to die alone next week. I've even asked them "what's your hurry?" Be afraid, be very afraid!


Well I will agree with you on the political and religious aspects. After my divorce 10 years ago I started going on facebook and and went thru all the reunions. And it seemed alot of people I reconnected with had become religious and very conservitive, some very out of character from how I knew them from before. Its almost as if its expected to fit in again? I've been thru my share of relationships in the past 10 years. I guess thats why I gave up on the dating game too.But this web site has actually given hope to find some one who is at least like minded. I thank you all for being here.

Yes, lots of people get religion when they get older ... or .... horrors .... they turn Right Wing. Dating services for non-believers in their 50s, 60s, 70s .... I hope they keep expanding. "Mature" thinkers need all the help they can get.


If you're a 50+ man with a pulse and common sense all you must do is make yourself available and the women will hunt you down. I've been chased no fewer than 7x the last few years and I am certainly no prize. Thankfully they're most all churchies and as soon as they find out I am a heathen Buddhist they give me space. I like my simple, unattached, low-T life. Plus chicks are so busy man. I prefer to hang out, listen to The Wall, discuss world events, drink some tea, smoke some weed, and philosophize. If we need to boost the energy then I put on the Violent Femmes. Most women shy away from my preferred lifestyle.

Hang out here long enough and you will have atheist women hunting you down and chasing you. I know lots of middle aged women who listen to the Wall, discuss world issues and yes, on occasion, smoke a bit of weed. If you look for eccentric women, you will find a good supply of them.

@SKH78 Damn straight!


I have spent many years alone, and content. now though, in the past couple of years ,I have been seriously thinking I don't want to spend the rest of my life single. I have no clue really how to get from point a to point b. I think for myself I can only try to make myself a better prospective partner. I read something once that suggested that the downfall of most relationships has to do with getting into said relationships for all the wrong reasons. the book went on to suggest that people would be more likely to succeed if they approached relationships as the vehicle for personal growth that they were meant to be. aaaaaaannnnndddd then went on to explain that relationships were also more likely to succeed if the people involved saw the potential for growth in their relationship with god. (facepalm).


No, it's not just you. I've been through almost all of the same things!!


Throw in a small town in a rural area. The nearest city of any size is 3.5 hours, one way.


Sounds perfect to me!


Being new on the list, I sort of enjoyed the many comments. And being older, with many women on here preferring younger "men" - I'm wondering whether I should join all those both male and female that I should just give up and fade off with all the skeptics into the sunset. However, I've usually, in the last 35 years of so, had younger girlfriends. Yes, the last one was 18 years my junior. However, instead of joining "the" crowd, I'm probably going to hold the line and allow myself to be open to possibly good things that may come along. Oh, and yes, sometimes disappointments become very painful. However, I suppose I should learn to enjoy any pain that may come along. After all, when one can experience pain, one can also confirm that one is still alive. To be alive means more to experience, to enjoy, to have joy, to fly! I'll just take my chances. That's been my life - and so far - it's been AWESOME!.


I agree with you. I am 64, financially solvent, still attractive. But I have a hard time finding someone to date. The men my age seem old, and most of them have sexual problems, or are just too fat to attract me. The young men are immature, and most pass me over, anyway. The few women I've reached out to are suspicious, because I've been in a long marriage to a man. Plus, I am somewhat shy, don't like the bar scene, and travel a lot. How's that for complicating factors?


It may be the region of the country in which I live, or it may be simply my gender. I have found the dating and my age is delightful.

To begin, women over 50 are far more interesting than their younger counterparts. They have experiences so, they have developed views over years and they have had the opportunity to travel, often raise families, and become more worldly.

Many of them have shed the inhibitions of Youth. Well they may have developed routines in their daily life often they are relatively open-minded and able to engage on a variety of topics in the variety of ways.

That is not to say that there are not bumps along the way and quite frankly, those who prove that there are significantly more horses asses than horses in the world.

Open your mind and your heart. You will find like-minded people when you least expect it.


I definitely feel your pain I think it's even worse for a black guy trying to date black women that are nonbelievers they're like unicorns. I've been single for about 2 years and I've only met three black women that are atheist or agnostic and two of them were let's just say in an alternate universe I do date other races that's not an issue just haven't found many compatible non-believers

I just posted about this. Im still getting comfortable sharing this upon meeting someone new.


It seems that when I go on dating sites, all I get are religious nuts on one end of the spectrum and guys who want nothing more than a one night stand on the other. Sometimes they are both...LOL. I'm over 50 and dating has been a big zero so far.


I am soon to exit my 50s, and yes, they are much harder than in my 40s. Fewer compatible people, but then I have let myself go as well. And I am really set in my ways now, people have to take me as I am. I have many female acquaintances of all ages, no shortage of people to have a meal, coffee, movie, bush walk with. But nothing more,


I wouldn't know. I couldn't get a man if I was the only man on earth. Of course the fact that I only date men makes the problem that much worse.


From my experience of going through a divorce in mid 50's, it was interesting. Had been married for 25 years, and silly me, thought things were going well. Have 6 kids, and the last one was living at home but going to college. Was pretty down on women for a couple of years afterward. Then started looking again. Dated several women, and figured out quickly that didn't want a religious one. I do go to a Unitarian church, and it is a comfortable place for me, and lots of the members are atheist, or humanist. So only dated UU's. I did find a good atheist woman, and get married again. Some of the things that I was looking for the first time, just weren't that important. Am far from being perfect, and didn't look for the perfect wife. We have lots that we do together, and also have things we do apart. When I retired, set up an office upstairs, and didn't bother my wife when she was working from home. Do some volunteer things away, and she also does that. We do make music together as are both in a Celtic band. We have lots of common interests, but also bring new things in. Guess I would say, "Don't give up hope if still have some interest". But being in a state where in 2013, 45% of people polled claimed "none" for religion, the pool is bigger.


It’s not just you. It is a nightmare! I was actually excited after my divorce thinking about dating again. That excitement when you like a new person. Can't stop smiling. It didn't take very many dates to realize how wrong I was. So now it's me, my girlfriends, and when needed my "other friend". 😉

If B.O.B gets old look me up


Sounds like you've got the statistics figured out. Really narrows things down doesn't it. What are we going to do!?

Lol, indeed. Porn and my imagination along with stimulation will be about the extent of it lol!
Did I just verbalize that? Oh well...we can dream 🙂




it sucks at 48 too.. 9 of 10 are religious and then there's those that are looking for a younger guy. i'm about to take a vacation alone. i read summer is a good time to go on an alaskan cruise if you want to see some whales


Sad but true than you make it seem so funny,,lOL I guess i will just go and play with myself.

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