Some people like long hair, some like short hair, or somewhere in between or even without. Personally, I prefer a clean cut style on my significant other. However, I also believe it's up to the individual as it is their head.
What say you?
I don't actually really care what hairstyle they choose. But I do have a thing for shaved/bald heads. Still, hairstyle isn't all that important to me.
As someone who used to wear my hair for my ex (which he never even complimented me on) I think people should wear their hair however they are most comfortable with. I prefer mine about chin or shoulder length. If I'm with someone and they say they really like it when I put it up, I may take that into consideration when doing my hair....but ultimately I'm going to wear it how I want to.
Ever seen a female wookie? That’s what I want her hair to look like.
I voted long hair but it isn't a deal breaker. My husband is mostly bald with a buzz cut on the hair he has left. I still love him.
It doesn't matter one bit as long as they are comfortable in their own style. I hear some people generalize that "men prefer long hair" and I think that's absurd.
To be honest, hair style or color, or length is probably the very last thing I look for in a significant other.
I'm attracted to men with short hair. In the 70s as a teen however, I loved long hair on boys. That was the style back then. Some men tend to not like women with short hair I find. Rule of thumb in the beauty guide: long hair on an older women makes them look "aged". Not sure I agree though as I've seen women my age carry longer hair and look good doing it.
Tastes change. Used to like long hair - now its the person not the hair.
I prefer long hair but it isn't a requirement.
I'll say it doesn't matter because I've found women with very short hair very attractive and very long hair and everything in between. However I tend to think more hair looks better more often.
Of course I only like a lot of hair on a woman's head, and very little to none everywhere else. Society doesn't just get in the head's of women.
I tend to like long hair. I think that someone could do more styles with long hair. Plus, I think that hiding part of the face with long hair can be a bit “sultry.” (Not that I am personally into her) but think Jessica Rabbit.