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What length of hair do you prefer on your significant other?

Some people like long hair, some like short hair, or somewhere in between or even without. Personally, I prefer a clean cut style on my significant other. However, I also believe it's up to the individual as it is their head.

What say you?

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MyLiege 7 July 16

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I have a mohawk where the middle is down to my waist and the sides are kept buzzed short. I wouldn't judge a person on the style of their hair.


I don't actually really care what hairstyle they choose. But I do have a thing for shaved/bald heads. Still, hairstyle isn't all that important to me.

YES! ☺

@Sticks48 Well, I do like shaved/bald heads, facial hair, and older men. Shhhhh, don't tell anyone.

@graceylou It will be our little secret. ?


Hair on the head?

godef Level 7 July 16, 2018

No preference, as long as it compliments the persons face.


As someone who used to wear my hair for my ex (which he never even complimented me on) I think people should wear their hair however they are most comfortable with. I prefer mine about chin or shoulder length. If I'm with someone and they say they really like it when I put it up, I may take that into consideration when doing my hair....but ultimately I'm going to wear it how I want to.


Ever seen a female wookie? That’s what I want her hair to look like.


I voted long hair but it isn't a deal breaker. My husband is mostly bald with a buzz cut on the hair he has left. I still love him.


It doesn't matter one bit as long as they are comfortable in their own style. I hear some people generalize that "men prefer long hair" and I think that's absurd.


To be honest, hair style or color, or length is probably the very last thing I look for in a significant other.


I love long hair..however I really like when a woman's neck is exposed at the back..its extremely attractive IMO.


I'm attracted to men with short hair. In the 70s as a teen however, I loved long hair on boys. That was the style back then. Some men tend to not like women with short hair I find. Rule of thumb in the beauty guide: long hair on an older women makes them look "aged". Not sure I agree though as I've seen women my age carry longer hair and look good doing it.


Tastes change. Used to like long hair - now its the person not the hair.


Mid-length to long.


Whatever they're most comfortable with. It's not my hair. I don't get to dictate what they do. As long as it's clean, it doesn't matter what I think.


For men, I like a short cut at the back and sides.


Depends first on their personal proclivity, a good personal choice in any stlye with a look to accompany. Csn be long or short.
Second depends upon the shape of the face or the style of the cut and how they combine it with their personal look.

t1nick Level 8 July 16, 2018

I like whatever is their preference. If asked I will tell him how I think he looks best but would never insist that he change because I wouldn't want him to insist I wear my hair a certain way.


I prefer long hair but it isn't a requirement.


It really depends, whatever she is comfortable with at the time.

PDF Level 5 July 16, 2018

It doesn't really matter to me although I do tend to find long, clean hair incredibly sexy.


Any color, Long, short, bald, it doesn't matter to me. I do prefer my partner to have pubic hair, but again, that is not all that important either, just a preference.


It doesnt matter to me as long as she is a good kisser.


especially if it is red 🙂


I'll say it doesn't matter because I've found women with very short hair very attractive and very long hair and everything in between. However I tend to think more hair looks better more often.

Of course I only like a lot of hair on a woman's head, and very little to none everywhere else. Society doesn't just get in the head's of women.


I tend to like long hair. I think that someone could do more styles with long hair. Plus, I think that hiding part of the face with long hair can be a bit “sultry.” (Not that I am personally into her) but think Jessica Rabbit.

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