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Relationships and the consiquences of a breakup.

Is my ex on this site? If she is hello. The Question is why do men take the breakup as be nice and let her take what she wants and the the man moves out.

Amodelguy 2 July 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Not all men - or women have this experience. As variable as humans.


In a 17 yr relationship, I took 1 thing that he had bought me. Everything else. I left. If it wasn't mine, as in I bought &paid for it myself, & it was a jointly held item, he kept it with my blessings. If it was something he "gifted" me those were few & far between & usually came with strings, I left it as it had no sentemental value other than to remind me of an emotional inveztment that lasted too long.
We were not married (I did that once, never again) so that cured a multitude of ills.


Is this always the case? I feel you are hurting here, but don’t let it colour your opinion of women too much, we are not all the same. Maybe you will find a new love on this site!

The same for Men:[]

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