I said no as here in the UK, less than 40% of weddings take place in church. Inheritance and post death benefits are far simpler if you are married.
Marriage is connected with possession. Men claim on their property(women), so that other men can stay away. In part of the world, women are still considered the property of the father until he gives them away for marriage. Religion just try to justify the concept so it can be more acceptable.
Conservatively speaking marriage wasn't recognized by the Christian Church from its creation in 4CE until 1563 but I think it is fair to assume it was adopted as law after that because of the religious imperative - just another means of leverage and authority over the sheeple.
marriage happens across the planet , doesn't matter where you go
why are humans the only creatures that need a bit of paper to be together? of course, its all based on religion and money.
I think it is a statement of commitment made to each other towards the world at large
why would you care as the world doesn't
I think what you are asking here is partly hidden. You're looking for truth but probably also an out. Religion doesn't have to be linked to marriage. There is a biological component of humanity that is monogamous, even if it is complicated and not always monogamous. Marriage can be a representation of monogamy like an agreement or contract. A commitment of a couple by the couple that does not have any link outside to religion.
I believe if you have been in a religion you see the social aspect of the religion acting like that is the reason for marriage, under god or in the god's image. It simply doesn't have to be that way.
The mechanics of marriage don't need religion. Justice of the peace will marry you for no religious purpose. IRS will take both of your money together if you are Married Filing Jointly. Children will call you mom or dad. If you want to be successful, know and understand the commitment.