Say you find someone who seems amazing in your eyes, but they turn out to be religious; Do you move on or try to work it out?
If you stay and work it out, how do you go about it?
If you move on, why?
First if you are nineteen and think you are in love, so, I doubt that you will take advise that does not support what you believe already. This relationship will eventually fail once the bloom comes off of it; it may take years but, it will. You will both end up trying to convert each other, communication will fail and will loss respect of each other and lose trust in each other.
Religion should be cherished but not at the expense of humanity. If your religion turns you into a elitist and you become bigoted and racist then you are no longer a humanitarian and should be treated as such. If a partner your attracted to, for what ever reason, turns out to be that inclined, they should be shunned. It would also suggest that they have nasty narcissistic qualities in their personality!