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How much of a skeptic are you?

OK, most people here do not believe in a god. But what else don't you believe that your society does? I have mentioned before, I don't believe in the big bang, I also do not believe in democracy as it operates in Australia, not when someone can be elected to a position in Government on less then 0.5% of the primary vote. I also do not believe in investing in shares as the stock market is rigged, not in international monetary exchange rates, I worked on foreign currency deal in the 70s and 80s and every transaction I made changes the exchange rates. So if I was dealing in USD, I would pick the time of day and begin my sales,which would put the Aussie up and the USD down, then I would to the purchases, big ones first. guys I worked with would buy 2 and 3 cent shares and play games at lunch times changing their value. Can you really get ahead in life when those that pull the strings can pull a global financial crisis any time? Inflation, house prices can all be manipulated. Or do you believe when someone says, "I am from the Government and I am here to help you"?

Rugglesby 8 Jan 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm skeptical about being skeptical. That's how skeptical I am.


What does the big bang have to do with democracy and share prices?

In any case, to a scientist, the big bang is either a likely explanation of the origin of the universe, or an unlikely one. It isn't something you either believe in or don't believe in. Science doesn't do belief.

True science doesn't do belief. Democracy, money markets, religion and big bang are all things I was taught to believe in, none of which I do, heretic on every level.


How do you know a politician is lying....if they're breathing


For one, I believe very little of what the government says.


knock knock "Yes". " Hello we are Jehovah`s burglars and we are persecuted by the government because of our beliefs". "What do you believe"? "We believe that you have valuables in this house"


I like Carl Sagan's BS detector kit. Works for me!


You are right on point. I was saving the joke on the picture for a dull day here but you earned it for your post. I don't believe in much. How easy it is to manipulate anyone with nothing into believing the dream will be his/hers. So count me in not believing in money either as a solution... in our day and time is the drug, the poison we are forced to need to keep living.


First off... you got more insight in this then I do. I will agree that I don't believe in God. You know more about the stock market then I do. I did pull all my stock before Trump was elected. I'm loosing money for that. I have been told that I've done the right thing, but I'm still loosing money...damn.

Sorry to hear you are losing on it, we are told that political and other decisions affect the market, they do. To me though it seems there are always people pulling the strings. The market goes way up, many wealthy people ride it up, but somehow sell before the peak. A market crashes, whether a currency, stocks, property, and who has the money to buy everything up really cheap and wait for the next boom. Meanwhile the average person trying to get ahead with some investments loses such a great portion of theirs. Just another way it keeps us all running around on that wheel.


I'm skeptical of your views -_-

cool, and so you should be. Observe independently, judge critically and take inventive risks, That is what guides me, and I still manage some spectacular failures.

@Rugglesby I appreciate the encouragement, but I was just being ironic. "Being skeptical of the skeptic"

I did think the was the case, I enjoyed the humor. But I still tell people to be critical of what i say as well.

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