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Does anybody else find it funny that God kept choosing people, who were supposed to be faithful but kept picking people who kept messing up?

This is something my little cousin was talking to me about last night. God picked Moses, but apparently Moses messed up so he could not go into the promised land. Then there was Samson, who disobeyed God but giving up his secrets about his strength coming from his hair to Diliah. I could go on and on. I just found it amusing an all knowing being would just go ahead and choose people he would already know would mess up in the first place. Clearly these are nothing but stores from unknown authors, but I still think it was funny.

EmeraldJewel 7 Jan 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Do I have to explain what is wrong with you.(sarcasm of course) You are thinking, and you are using your intelligence to decipher a myth. Stop that! The bible is not meant for people like you. Blind obedience is what is required. You have to let yourself be ruled by ignorance and fear. Stop thinking for yourself. Stop it!

Love your sarcasm! Ha ha ha!!!

very true

"The best defense against logic is ignorance."


It's about teaching obedience.


All part of the perfect plan lol

Dav87 Level 6 Jan 8, 2018

If the faithful would admit that these stories are bronze age myths instead of the actual word of their god then they could rise to the level of Aesop's fables. On second thought. Nah.

gearl Level 8 Jan 8, 2018

satan, adam and eve comes to mind.

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