A friend (atheist) sent me this and I thought I would pass it on. Interesting study.
Exactly because not controllded by doctrine but open
It's a broad generalization but religious people are less intelligent than non-religious people. When you don't understand how things work it's easy to attribute them to magic. When you understand how things work you realize magic is not necessary. Thus non-religious people are smarter and therefore more successful.
Unless you're running one of those televan shows that promise salvation, just send money. thank you jesus.
The article was about society in general not the individual scumbags.
@JackPedigo I know - I was being sarcastic. I sure wish, well alot of things.
@silverotter11 I can be just as guilty of not seeing someone else's sarcasm as they are about seeing mine. Thanks for the heads up.
@JackPedigo At first I was gonna type "being a little too serious Jack, lighten up.' but since typed responses loose something in the translation I figured that might not go over any better than my first comment. lol
@silverotter11 Thanks for that, I am often too serious and this has caused some physical issues for me. But, I feel strongly about things and part of my moral principles involve learning and trying to reduce my personal negative impact on the planet and society. This has become especially important since I left religion. I am trying to chill but I just came across an couple of linking links I am planning on posting. It is not at all light and this has presented a conundrum for me. I feel, being a part of some groups as Agnostic.com, FFRF, the Humanists and such groups suggest a modicum of subtle proselytizing. Giving out information without pushing. People can take it or leave it, their choice. I also am learning to not take things personally.
It's all good. Just remember you can post whatever you want. It is a brave thing to put yourself out there. Just know I might be 'round the corner with a smart ass comment.