314 12

Incest: Immoral or Moral?

I was asked this question today by a theist. If there is no God why is safe sex between brother and sister immoral to an atheist? This guy was smart to add safe sex because it closed off my avenue to argue the health issue. So, I was thinking why is it immoral if it is consensual? I understand we find it gross but is that because of Christian influence?

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paul1967 8 Oct 12

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I personally find it gross but what consenting adults do in their bedroom is not my business. With that said, I thought I'd mention something I learned in school a few years back that I found interesting. They did a study where they took people and gave them a shirt worn by a member of the opposite sex to smell. Not surprisingly, straight men preferred the smell of shirts worn by ovulating women. All in all though, we prefer the scent of people whose genes are not similar to ours. Mother nature has built into us an aversion to people with similar DNA, morality be damned


as long as we're not talking about sex with younglings, i have no opinion between the moral/immoral argument for other consenting family members. as for me and a family member, i still won't go so far as to judge it moral nor would still be a consensual choice, but WRONG for me.

i'm the same with sex with multiple partners. i see no moral/immoral argument, but it's wrong for me.


Option 3: Amoral. I don't consider it a moral or immoral act. Most of us have a strong, innate aversion to incest among close relatives, and maybe that's ingrained as beneficial for spreading out the gene pool, but that alone doesn't make it immoral. There is some risk to genetic disorders, but it's not as high as some people think, only marginally higher than the general population. But, I'd argue that incest itself is distinct from the choice to procreate and should be treated separately in terms of morality. In the Middle Ages, I think, a theologian claimed that incest was wrong because work wouldn't get done. That seems like an unsatisfying reason, but could be a consideration in terms of its moral status. But I don't think of it as moral, either. To claim something is moral is not just to say it's not immoral, but that there's some intrinsic good that the act entails and that it would be a benefit to people to engage in the act. (If the situation we're different and a brother and sister we're the only survivors and thought they had an obligation to repopulate the earth, then incest could be considered a moral act because it would be necessary to achieve that ostensible good. I disagree with the premise, however, so even in that case I'd be loathe to call it a moral act.) So, I say it's an amoral act, but one I still don't want to engage in.


Too many variables to consider. As to your question... it's not really, it's procreation between parent+offspring, uncle/aunt+niece/nephew, siblings, and half-siblings that is just not right. Based on genetics, the risk of having a child with your half-aunt/uncle or first cousin doubles the risk of having a child with a birth defect... which brings it up from 4% to a whopping 8%... which honestly isn't that scary.

There are studies that find some minds are wired (genetics) to be attracted or repulsed by the thought of doing the deed with family. Sex between two consenting adults has always been and always will be alright in my book. I've personally been attracted to a cousin and a half cousin, both of which I was not raised with having contact prior to puberty, have had absolutely no sexual contact with. It's like being young when your mom remarries and you grow up with your step sibling vs your mom remarrying when you're in your late teens and your new dad has a daughter that's cute and around your age, with the former you're more likely to be grossed out by the thought while with the latter it's far more likely to be attracted. It's attraction, it can't be stopped, only controlled.

I've not been involved in any type of incestuous activity, but I know a guy who married his first cousin without knowing it was his first cousin until about a year after the ceremony (estranged family and all that). To the best of my knowledge they're still together and happy, had two perfectly healthy baby boys. It happens, may not be your cup of tea, but as I stated, there are too many variables to consider before labeling it moral or immoral.

Personally I find sex between two consenting adults (with intact healthy minds, i.e. no retardation, disability, etc.) has always been and will always be okay in my book.


Neither was not an option. Incest is not good from the gene pool standpoint but neither moral or immoral if consensual.


even without the possibility of deformed progeny, this is also a psychological and social minefield - incestuous partners would be obliged to hide their relationship and may suffer from doubts and guilt about being 'wicked ' or 'sinful' leading to isolation, rejection and countless other mental issues.


Bad genetics


Not something that I support.

R u sure about that?


just will not have sex with my daughter


Unless the couple are twins; one will be older than the other, there are issues with consent, age (being a minor), and perhaps specific circumstances could make it acceptable, but not "moral".


It is immoral if it is in the context of pedophilia and or rape. If adults choose such a thing, the risk of genetic mutation from an offspring is too high. It is selfish and highly immoral to risk bringing a defective human being into a world that is difficult enough to navigate. If related adults want children there are plenty to choose from via adoption.


Well, sometimes safe sex is not safe, nothing is 100 percent

sometimes smart water is not smart, nothing is 100 percent. The adjective 'Safe' I don't think is ever realistically applicable to the word 'sex' in general.


we find it gross not because of christian values, but evolutionary protection. We mated long before there was religion, and family is more readily available than not, so if we didn't find it gross.. our genes would be corrupted and wouldn't propagate. I selected moral, because.. with the safe sex aspect there is no moral element to it. the immoral aspect would be to bringing children from the union, as they have a very high chance of genetic disorders.


Immoral because of the psychological effect, often there is one individual leading a stronger figure.


I would more accurately say neither as I do not believe it to be a question of morality. It is in most if not all cases only made to be immoral due to religious teachings


Evolution has answered this question for you. End of.


WOW, it's a hard question because every cell in my body says YUCK! but is it immoral, well blah, I just threw up in my mouth, yeah, can't say it's immoral but it's wrong and you definitely shouldn't do it. It would cross the line to immoral for teens and younger and if the siblings intended to have kids. My definition of immoral is an act with the intent to do harm without just cause and it doesn't fit that definition.


Very often it is not consensual, which is why I find it very offensive.....along with the fact when does it become ok? Brother, sister, mother, son, father, daughter? Inbreeding being part of the problem along with I just can not understand it.

Nesa Level 1 Oct 16, 2017

Although sex between any two consenting adult is legal in Canada, I believe it is immoral for more then the obvious biological wrongness but, also because when it occurs it often involve elements of mental manipulation and control of one of the participants.


The health avenue could still be in play because even when safer sex practices are used there is still the possibility of conception- slight as it may be- because there is a failure rate for every contraceptive method. I question the idea of consensual incest in general, since many instances of incest are in truth cases of abuse. In the hypothetical consensual scenario I don't know if immoral is the exact appropriate term, but I still find the concept of incest to be abhorrent. Regardless of the alleged consent it strikes me as an abnormal and potentially harmful act. What would drive two individuals to engage in incest? Though consensual, is it a maladaptive behavior resulting from isolation, prior abuse, or illness? I think practically it would be hard to find many instances of a healthy incestuous relationship.


If we believe that incest is a normal behaviour, where is the difference between human an animals, we don't need religion for this, it's common sense.

Lobo Level 1 Oct 13, 2017

This is entirely off subject, but I view common sense as a negative. The sense of the common person has lead to religion. Don't get me wrong I know what you're saying, and I understand what you mean. I just thought I would toss that out to you.


can i vote for weird

LMAO - I'll put you down for a write-in for weird.......Done got it


I would say it's immoral for the same reason eating feces is immoral.
You just don't do it. Sure some people are into it, but fuck it's gross.
So I suppose my reasoning is that it is ingrained in us.


Morals should be based off of rational thinking of facts, as well as the aim to see the least amount of suffering when, unfortunately, in a turn of events cannot be avoided. Based on this, if there is consent between siblings and they are of mature age, there really is no reasoning with the immorality of incest. It seems that many atheists are afraid to admit this. But it is what it is. I'd assume the reason why I don't practice incest myself is because I have seen my siblings grow since they were small. My relation with them has never been sexual to begin with, and there hasn't been a reason as I slowly see them grow as part of my immediate family.


I think it's fine if it's between two CONSENTING ADULTS and no children are conceived from it.
Some people may find it gross but they're not the ones participating.
I bet the people who have the biggest problem with this are also against homosexuality and same sex marriage.

I imagine you're right about what you said about women not agreeing, but that is the difference between what is legal and what is actually practiced.

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