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Should we all get a flu shot, barring any allergy to the vaccine?

Should we all get the flu shot, barring any allergies to the vaccine?

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Wafflestomp 6 Jan 8

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The flu vaccine changes yearly because the flu mutates constantly. The more people that get the flu shot, the less people will have the flu, the less it will mutate, and less people will have it next year. You don't build immunities to mutating diseases the same as you would others. Your immunities may or may not work on a new form of the flu, hence a new vaccine. So will you die if you don't NO(assuming no underlying issues), should you get it?YES it's a responsible decision for yourself and human kind. MOST IMPORTANTLY! Let's all please remember that 2/3 of adult fecal accidents happen while infected with the flu!(Just my research)


I go no, as in not all. Yes for those at risk and those working with people at risk. I have never had a flu shot, I do get vaccinated for the main nasties though. I love my immune system, it has saved me on at least 3 ocassions so i like to exercise it. It seems to work, when there is a flu at work, people can be sick for weeks, with me I do get some symptoms briefly, usually totally gone in 12 hours, my kids are the same. My son just finished a 10 year job with out ever having been off sick, he was the same, never missed a day at high school. Last time I was off work sick ie illness was in 1978 with legionella.


First thing they ask you in the VA hospital or medical regional center. First no I give.


I always get one out of respect to my elderly father who request that I do so . I have only once had a slight side effect that did not last a significant amount of time


I think it depends on how susceptible you are to getting the flu.

I happen to have an auto immune disorder (that means an over active immune system that can attack healthy tissues and cells) which seems to protect me from colds and flues most of the time.. Or, at least i assume that is what keeps me from gettng sick as often as other people.


I personally do not get them despite my doctors' pleas. As a cancer survivor I have to get all my childhood immunizations-6 shots at once-once a year.


I'm currently displaying all the signs of having full-blown 'flu within two or three days, so I certainly wish I'd had one 😟

Jnei Level 8 Jan 8, 2018
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