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Do you think you are selfish or selfless? And why?

Sensiwoman7 6 July 26

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I can't make self-assessments like these. It's always different to me than it is to anyone else.


A little of both. I'm different in different situations, and I think most people are.

Me too

Yes. All living creatures are selfish, even in there selflessness. A hero does not intend to scale the wall to rescue the infant without taking into consideration his own odds of surviva. He has to think selfishly to survive scaling the wall, thus rescuing the infant.


Both. I would give anything I own to help someone I care about, but am a hoarder when it comes to my time.


Selfish but not the commonly held definition. I am rationally self-interested to no one else's expense.


I can be either depending on the situation. But rather than be one or the other I think a grounded interest in helping others while helping yourself is not a bad idea. You can't give if you are empty from not receiving

Yes, indeed


I’ve come to believe you have to have a healthy balance of both. It can’t be all about me or all about other people. I was definitely selfish like most young people through college. I have given endlessly ever since as a nurse, mother, in the community. It’s just recently I’m starting to enjoy more things that I like to do.

That's great.

That's great.


I am a human being. That means that I have tendencies on both sides. I try to limit the selfish, but do not always succeed.


I get a lot of joy helping people. That's why I volunteer at a homeless shelter most of the week.


I'm not enlightened enough to think of myself or anyone else as anything but 100% selfish.

That doesn't mean that I'm a bad person. I have empathy and care strongly about the happiness and wellbeing of others, even if I have to sacrifice something of myself for them. But that doesn't mean I don't do it for selfish reasons.

When you get right down to it, I think that everything we do is for ourselves and ourselves alone, even if most might classify it as selfless.

If I pay for a stranger's groceries because they can't, I'm doing it because it feels like it's the right thing to do, which makes me feel good. Selfish.

If I donate to a charity, even if no one in the world knows I did it, I did it for myself because maybe it makes me feel like a better person. Selfish

If I risk my own life to save someone from a burning building, even if I'll most likely die doing it, maybe it's because I couldn't live with myself knowing that I might have been able to save them if I'd only tried. Selfish.

I just can't think of a situation of "selflessness" that actually isn't selfish from an internal perspective, even if we don't immediately realize it.

Or maybe I think too much about this kind of stuff 😉

Of course, you think deeply about this subject. I agree, we do all because of kind of selfishness..


I'm somewhere in the middle. I am selfish enough to treat myself or survive in certain situations, but I am also generous enough to other people and even more so to those close to me. But even when we do something good for others it's not totally altruistic. There is a bit of selfishness in everything we do.

You're very right!


This a very simplistic question to a very complex issue. As others have commented; this is not a simple matter of this, or that. I am rationally self-interested. That means I make important life decisions based on what's best for me. Rational self-interest is specifically described in the Objectivist Philosophy identified by Ayn Rand.

I believe the natural Human state is that of rational self-interest. We all have a survival instinct, like any animal.

I do not consider altruism, in and of itself, to be virtuous. With that said, I have helped several people I know who really needed it, and were trying hard to help themselves. So I am selective about who I help and who I am willing to make sacrifices for. It's tied to value.

Every time I hear or see that person's name, I shudder.

@Piece2YourPuzzle Why?

@IAMGROOT She was too right wing for me, but the most disturbing thing about her to me was that she was pretty much in love with a psychopathic killer and his thinking. William Hickman.

@Piece2YourPuzzle Read her philosophical works. That is more productive than analyzing her personal life. That's my suggestion.


I am selfish and so are all living creatures. It is a natural thing to be so to survive. Though there are elements in my selfish nature that also include that I provide assistance to the homeless and hungry. While seemingly a "selfless" act, one can argue that my need to do so, is indeed selfish. One may think of themselves as completely selfless, but the mere fact that one continues to be alive, is a contradiction to that self assessment.


I'm selfish. Everything I do is centered around making myself happy. If others get what they want is always secondary.

Ohh. You're honest..


I have a predominantly selfish disposition but I am aware of this and try to keep it at a healthy level. I do try to help others as often as I can, but I only have a couple of people in my life that I would for selfless for.


Our only purpose in this life is to be happy, so if helping others makes someone happy, then do that, and if photographing birds in swamps makes someone happy, also do that.
No rigid rules and "shouldn't" shaming.


I don't see that it makes any difference.



Marine Level 8 July 26, 2018

I think for the most part I'm selfless, partly through what I do for a living, partly because that's how I was brought up but probably I just worked out that that is the way to (try and) be.

But..................and I'm not sure if this is selfish or just sensible I have me time every week. The world can go f--- itself when I'm on me time 🙂

ipdg77 Level 8 July 26, 2018

Probably a mixture of both. You need a balance.


I am Selfish... because I am in charge of Me! I am not a liar faking around I am not and telling Everyone I am not selfish. I am Selfish. Just like jesus who said... "In the cross sandwich I want to be in the middle".

That's good you're honest. I think Jesus, is another subject.

@Sensiwoman7 when jesus said we are all sons and daughters of my father but you guys can not be in the same context as me and my father or on line for his throne just me... that's selfish... that's a "Mine moment".

@GipsyOfNewSpain I have to admit you have interesting ideas..but I wouldn't like to discuss this subject with you because we will not be able to reach agreement.

@Sensiwoman7 Not a problem... too much time in my hands to take things apart and too many things to worry to put them back together. Without a Master I run around creating havoc and discontent. Those things about jesus came up out of sudden. I haven't read the bible in over 55 years... actually never readed... I attended Catholic School so we have Religion class... loved the history part so always had A's. The old testament... never got to do the jesus thing by then I was a communist already but Marx and Engels didn't convinced me much, I simply wanted the Independence of Puerto Rico... If jesus offers me that... I will bible me ass until forever. The only way I guess I will bible my ass I reckon. Nothing wrong with being Religious. It is what you do while being Religious. My best friend and former lover is Christian Scientist. We had lived together... and we are still best friends. I don't hate any religion on earth or god concept. See you around and stay True to you.

@GipsyOfNewSpain thank you for your words. I know about God through my own experience and He is alive in my life. He filled the void of my soul. And I would say you that Jesus can offers you much more but in the same time I see there is very important personal experience because my testimony have more importance for me only.

@Sensiwoman7 Do not let anyone or anyting change the Good in you. The world is a better place because of You.

@GipsyOfNewSpain thank you! I hope!

@GipsyOfNewSpain thank you! I hope!


I think for the most part I'm selfless, partly through what I do for a living, partly because that's how I was brought up but probably I just worked out that that is the way to (try and) be.

But..................and I'm not sure if this is selfish or just sensible I have me time every week. The world can go f--- itself when I'm on me time 🙂

ipdg77 Level 8 July 26, 2018

I think that when you become intelligent enough to understand that social inter- connectedness is actually more beneficial to yourself as an individual than being completely self centered , that you begin to grow philosophically towards a healthy balance of the two , but , if we never become intelligent , then we don't do that .

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