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What was your earliest doubt in the belief of god?

For those who were raised with religion being the "default", what is your earliest memory of doubt in the existence of god?

TwistyOwl 5 July 26

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I always doubted, but I didn't stop believing completely until I was five when I proved that Santa Claus was a lie.


I don’t remember but it was early. I remember thinking that the preacher my have enormous power if he could tell us what God meant and thought


Mine would be my early to mid 30s and wondering why I am still single. Wondering why females don't find me desirable. I'm no Brad Pit, but reasonably attractive. In time period wondering why treat me like crap based on my youthful appearence and job.


How early?, well. I was just opening my eyes for the first time and someone slapped my arse and I thought, what an ungodly place.

Savage Level 7 July 27, 2018

When the offering plate was passed at the end if mass. Why does God need money

Mokvon Level 8 July 27, 2018

When they taught me that if you were not catholic you were going to hell

Marine Level 8 July 27, 2018

I was 11 years old. Both my Dad's professed nonbelief & a George Carlin skit got me to entertain the notion, which I hold more strongly as the years pass.


In high school, a friend of mine said his scout troop (led by the Mormon church) was going to take a trip to Idaho and wanted to know if I was interested in going along. I asked him how that was going to work, as we were in northwest Washington and this was in the middle of the week, but he assured me we'd be back in time for school the next day. We went to the bishop's house across the street from the church and picked up our "tickets" and I could see the story going down hill and gaining speed. We crossed the street and took our seats in the "cabin." Someone in the back of the room turned out the lights and kindly informed us that we were all dead. I'm sure I did a very poor job of containing my laughter as we began our tour of the 3 heavens. I never received another invitation like that again.


I always felt like everything about catholicism was false. It made no sense and seemed really stupid. As I got older and began to understand the world, I realized it was ALL religion that was stupid and made no sense. There were no gods and people were making this shit up.


37 years old.


3 years ago for me. I finally started thinking about the world as a whole.


I was 16. I told my parents and my LDS Bishop that I didn't feel any type of connection or have any faith at all, and I was told it is my responsibility to have those feelings and I didn't think that was right.


To answer your question, I am going to separate "doubt" from "conclusion"... I had many questions, sometimes doubts, at a young age but never followed those doubts to a logical conclusion (the fact that my entire family was religious probably inhibited my will to answer those questions).

As a young adult, I was mostly just a partier, I didn't care about religion at all. By around 30, I looked at Christianity again, then decided that I can't buy into the tenants that would qualify me as a Christian, so I dropped religion but didn't challenge the questions regarding the existence of god(s) until after 40. At the age of 54, I have been an atheist for well over 12 years.


I read the Bible

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