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My republican friends are so happy about the economy and stating what a great jobtrump is doing. They do not realize people are spending money to avoid the tariffs and businesses are shipping orders for the same reason. How can they be such short sighted people.

Marine 8 July 27

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Watched a news segment yesterday, in which they talked to soy farmers about the $12bn aid package to offset the friendly fire casualties the tariffs have created. The farmers described, in detail, how much the tariffs were hurting them, that they didn't want them, and thought there shouldn't be a need to bail them out, to begin with. Despite being so severely and directly impacted, when asked, they said they'd vote for him again. facepalm

This is true for everyone who voted for him. He's destroying healthcare,social security,environment,allies,wpmen rights,gay rights,exporting jobs because of tariffs and they still love him. I cannot understand.

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