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So many posts asking about Atheist music (I object to the term atheist but I digress). May I put forward Roy Harper. A good mate of Led Zeppelin (hats off to Harper) and Jimmy Page. Also of Pink Floyd, he did the vocals on "Have a cigar".

His own works are rife with great atheist songs such as "The same old rock" ie. St Peter. "the Game".. (you Christians destroyed my tribe Ill fight you till I die). And an album that contains several called "Once" (heres to the one and only once).
If (but if it means going down on my knees well wheres the spirit gone. wheres the love your all talking of if we can't stand man to man) and controversially "Black cloud of Islam" (Your the worst of Jehovah's blind witlessnesis) and (I bet Salman Rushdie was just about right).

Do check him out and enjoy.

273kelvin 8 Jan 10

Enjoy being online again!

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May I also recommend Randy Newman's "Faust" at least the opening. Bear with James Taylor as god at the start because Randy as the devil is worth it "We`re a figment of their imagination".


You realize that when it comes right down to it, unless a lyric mentions any form of deity or anything relating to a deity, all music is atheist.


He has a bunch of recordings on You Tube


For your consideration -- XTC: "Dear God." As powerful an atheist anthem, exploring the Problem of Evil, as I've ever heard.

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