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What do you think of Pastafarianism?

Like the title says. Both as a joke and as a serious religion. Have you ever claimed to be a part of it? I first learned about it through South Park. I liked how it was used as an attempt to sway someone to realize that their belief in God is silly. #FSM

JoeLiuzzi 4 July 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I am an ordained Pastafarian minister.


If you add meatballs and parmigiano-reggiano cheese, I'm there.


It is just that. Silly, and used to show the religious how silly their religion really is. Fight fire with fire. Or, in this case, nonsense with nonsense. The only difference is that one group believes their own nonsense, and the other most certainly doesn't. Satire in it's truest form.

Some people claim it’s a real religion! I try not to fight them on it.

@JoeLiuzzi Well, technically, it is. It's just as real as the rest of them. They're all made up, and they all believe in dumb shit. The only difference is that the belief isn't in a deity, but in humanity. And the fact that they are up front about it being completely made up by man. The others are just lying to themselves, and most of them know it. They won't admit it, but they know.

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