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Ignorant Citizens Elect Ignorant Leaders-George Carlin

sassygirl3869 9 Jan 10

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I think this is another example of a very complicated issue. Gerrymandering plays a big part in this and don't get me started on voter nitwittyness (which is ignorance). But ignorance is just a matter of a lack of information. As a poll worker for 5 years I saw a lot of issues that people were just not aware of. Everything is getting more convoluted including voting. The founders knew for a Democracy to work the citizens must be literate. Now, we put ballots out for new citizens who don't even speak the language and expect them to know what is going on (in Seattle some ballots were printed in Mandarin). In my district not one was ever taken but in other districts they were. Remember, translating and printing those ballots cost.


Possibly truer now than ever. Have we possibly gotten more ignorant as a nation?

Americans are unable to count to 3 pretending 2 airplanes melted 3 World Trade Center towers unwilling to watch video of 3 towers detonated for implosion with 2 smoldering from kamikaze air pirate Muslims


Words from my hero...

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