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Are we alone in the universe?

My answer is yes. The aliens live very far away. We are alone due to vast distances between stars. When I'm in the mountains many miles from anyone else, I rightfully claim that I am alone. A much better question is: Is Earth the only place with life?

astrochuck 6 Jan 10

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Well, with multiverse theory it is possible we might get occasional visitors from the multiverse. However, if this universe it is unlikely we will even encounter aliens from another world, unless either we or them master the ability to travel distances by "folding" space. On our side, that is unlikely to happen in our lifetimes.


About the time I think I'm alone, I simply try to talk along Seventh and Broadway... Feeling's gone. I am definitely not alone.


No doubt about it. Yes there is life out there, the possibility is extremely high.

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 11, 2018

I'm sure you must know of the Drake Equation. I believe it is likely there is life elsewhere, maybe even intelligent life. But might we stay alone through the time we destroy ourselves (which I think we're in significant danger of doing)? Yes. The distances, as you say, are so incredibly vast.


no, i don't think so as with infinite space there are infinite possibilities


Semantics on exact meaning of "alone" may be confusing. But since we are talking about "in the universe" we mean the whole universe space where I could say we're not alone if a living being is found even far away in the universe.


With more stars in the Universe than grains of sand on all the beaches in the world, I would bet on life. We are expanding our understanding of our galaxy and advancing our technology levels at an astounding rate. Its only a matter of time until we get that signal or contact from other sentinel beings.


I hope there is other life on other planets.


Think I have heard it called Morse law or theory (not after Morse of the code) States that within a given distance there is probability that life exist. Not exactly sure I have it spell correctly either.


I think we will find life on Europa. And at some point, humans MUST strike out to colonize planets or become extinct.

Yeah, I agree about humans really needing to colonize planets for survival. I felt Pres. Obama had an eye for this idea when he supported U.S. advances in using rockets to reach far out beyond moon. He listened to scientists' predictions.

Darn the continuing depletion of sources on the earth and also exploding populations thanks to Pres. Trump!


Neil DeGrasse Tyson had the BEST response. He stated there is 1% of difference between our DNA and ape DNA. If you extrapolate that out to alien life, ie. 1% of difference between their DNA and our DNA . . . .Why would they EVEN want to try to talk to us? We'd be like very low life forms to them. He could be right.

Don't be so sure that their 1% be the better DNA. planet of the apes?

@GipsyOfNewSpain Yes, that does give the impression their DNA makes them 'better' than us. "It's a COOKBOOK!!", Planet of the Apes, etc. Guess til they show up we'll still get to have some great sci-fi movies. Loved the original "Invasion of the Body Snatchers".

@silverotter11 I loved both versions of the body snatchers.


I will let you know when I find the light switch to the universe.


More scientific study needed.


As far as we know, we are the only planet with our form of life. There may be other life forms on other as yet unreachable planets.


Interesting perspective. Thanks.

skado Level 9 Jan 10, 2018
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