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How long do you have to be in a relationship before it's commited one to one?

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JustLuAnn 7 Jan 11

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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There is not a precise amount of time but whatever the people agree upon.


When you stop thinking about it. If you're thinking about it, you're not in it.


This is not something that should be assumed and certainly not tied to any time frame. Commitment is something that should be explicitly discussed, and judging by the responses thus far, perhaps from the start, as there appear to be different degrees. So not just a discussion about whether or not to be in a committed relationship, but what exactly that means to each person involved.


I answered 1 year because that is the law where I live.

I would rather shave my head with a cheese grater while chewing on tin foil than be in such a relationship again, but it is the law in Canada.


Are you referring to co-habitation and comman law marriage?


Monogamy is from day one if that’s the agreement, most people now days just beat around the bush and never admit to what they want, they miss out.

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