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How do feel about camping?

I am not huge on camping in that I am a bit squeamish about roughing it with bugs and critters that slither. However, a nice clean cabin is what I prefer. I’ve been tent camping and well, NO. I love nature’s scenary and definitely have an appreciation for it, I just don’t have the temperance to sleep in it via tent. I love a campfire and the time of day when the sun is low but still golden. The quiet natural noises of camping I find peaceful as well. Especially the song of birds.

How do you feel about camping?

MyLiege 7 Jan 11

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28 comments (26 - 28)

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I haven't been camping in years! I loved it growing up. Most of it was in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, some in Wisconsin.
I've camped in tents, rvs, campers, and cabins. I have so many amazing memories ????
I'd love to again but not where I live. I'd have to be up north somewhere.


Sounds like you got the cozy tent camping all figured out. I like that idea the most too. It gives you nature and safety. I though our public parks were free to camp. My parents camped their whole retirement. The wound up in the luxurious. It was a beauty. Then they found a park of senior campers that camped the same place every year. I a few years, they bought one in the park that was made into a home. /there were lots of those homes. They had a beautiful little place with all their friends and loved it. Daddy will be dead 2 years this May. They knew it was going to be their last stay, so they sold. My mother really misses it.


I recently began camping in a tent. I like being close to outdoors and if it wasn't for mosquitoes I would not need the tent, unless it rained. I like being able to bring my dogs. The more secluded the campsite the better I like it!

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