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I think Humans are parasites - what are your thoughts?

The definition of parasite, per is: something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or adequate return.
I really feel that Humans reflect this in how we treat the Earth. Thoughts?
And, please don't take this as I dislike Humans. Society, yes. We are much more than we give ourselves credit for. We can be better.

smilnjan 6 Oct 14

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As George Carlin said, we are a virus.


I've always said cancer. We just keep creating more than we need and try to live as long as possible. We're defective cells killing our host slowly.


I think that the society that has developed from the judeo-christian, god entitled mind set has become pretty close to the definition of parasitic vis-a-vis the planet. However, I think the planet will take care of the unsustainability of the situation in time, and the human race will have to actually get back to some semblance of balance if it is to actually survive.

it's gonna get overtaken by hybrid robots eventually unless armageddon takes care of it all


yes we are. we've almost ran out of room and every natural resource.


Of course man is a parasite of earth. but then you have to perceive the world as a whole organism. However most perceptions are not that inclusive. E.g. I am a citizen of a state or province vs citizen of a country vs citizen of the world vs citizen of the milky way, etc. What level do you stop at?

mzee Level 7 Oct 23, 2017

I stop at the Earth. I am a citizen of the Earth. 🙂

As we are limited to this earth at the present time than I am a Citizen of the Earth, a member of the human race.


we'll never really effect the planet itself but we certainly torture alot of animals, some bred in captivity and some sent to extinction

We affect the planet in many ways, changing the course of rivers, vast wounds from mining operations. were changing the composition of it's atmosphere, polluting the oceans etc. But if you think of the earth as being a lifeless piece of rock and minerals then are effect would be very little. The earth is a living breathing organism. Maybe not alive, but you have to consider that what we consider the earth consists also of its biosphere and we are affecting it a lot. We are poisoning its oceans, changing the very chemistry, soon our actions may be enough to shift the ocean currents. The earth changes all the time but usually slowly where we are speeding up the time considerably in uncontrollable ways.


I think as a species we are better described as predators preying on most other species, the planet and ourselves.


Honestly, that fits many people but not all. I like to think I've made worthwhile contributions within a very small footprint.

SamL Level 7 Oct 15, 2017

Oh, I meant our society in general. I honestly believe there are folks out there like you (and me) and it gives me a slice of hope. But what I'm mostly referring to is the people in power, the ones that would rather brain wash the average citizen into believing that coal is the ONLY way to go and it will get MILLIONS of people working and that any technology in renewable energy will not get people working but will take current jobs away. This is just one example. 🙂 Of course, I believe nothing of this since anyone with a shred of intelligence will research this type of thing and realize that the ones trying to promote coal production are just looking to pad their pockets even more at the expense of the citizens and the Earth itself. 🙂


Everything is a parasite.


There are two sides to me on this. I have such good and intelligent friends, and it gives me hope, but with this administration and the mentality of people, as well as the history of greed we humans have, I don't think the future is good. I'll keep doing positive things and I have a good life, but all I would need would be a positive love relationship.


every living thing's dependence relies on something else doesn't it?

Yes, to an extent. But, do they give back? Most in nature does. Well, Yellow Jacket wasps may not. LOL


Well, we humans are the most intelligent parasites to our planet.


Virus, cancer, parasite any and all of the above are true. Its interesting to look at a picture of the dark side of the earth. The populated areas resemble an infection.


Yes humans serve no purpose other than to consume, propagate, and destroy the environment, and any other species that they can make a profit from


Technically we are parasites until we're born. Then we're closer to disease.


I agree with every word you said!


I think that too


This definition seems vague and would apply to all apex predator, which we are.


It would seem that humans tick most of the boxes to qualify as parasites.


I totally agree that human's are parasites, but worse than most. An effective parasite does not destroy the host it depends on for the survival of it's species. We can and need to do better, much better.

orion Level 5 Nov 17, 2017

yes we are take all give nothing back

bill Level 3 Oct 28, 2017

Humans may or may not be parasite, depending on how we live our lives. Our dependence to the nature is a necessity. If we depend on it to the point that the environment is harmed, then we are. but the relationship may also be mutual if we do things that would benefit the environment in exchange. its a matter of choice so i guess, we cannot generalize and speak in behalf of everybody.

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