Men with long nails, hairy backs or really long toes really creep me out. Also bad breath and dirty nails
Missing teeth and poor dental hygiene. Cue the banjos.
Poor grooming. Long white beard. Soul patch. What's up with that?
Obesity. Not attracted to folds of flabby flesh.
Smoking is a deal breaker.
Tattoos. I find heavily tattooed arms, legs, faces and necks repulsive.
Facial deformities such as cleft lip.
I am turned off by serious obesity (250+) and facial deformations (cleft, etc).
I am 6' 4 and 256 lbs. I can assure you that being over 250 lbs does not automatically make one obese. I doubt anyone would use that term to describe me - I know of no one who ever has.
@Piratefish I will amend my comment by saying someone my height, and near it, at 250 lbs is too fat for me. Im 5’4. I’m overweight, but keep it down to 200. It’s more the unhealthy lifestyle that turns me off. I’m disabled, and still get off the couch.
@Piratefish And nice picture.
Habitually drinking to the point of being drunk. That is a deal breakbreaker big time. Lying. Poor hygiene. Willful ignorance. Religious fanaticism.
Flabby men who gorge on red meat and junk food (shudder), never exercise.
Yeah... any man I will say. No matter how pretty he may be. I must say regardless what was removed or replaced with if you Birth Certificate says Boy... you will never be a Woman to me. Sorry!