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How do you deal with Door-knockers?

Whether they be Witnesses, Mormons, or another proselytizing religion, how do you deal with people coming to your door to spread their religion?
I just had my first experience since getting a place of my own and had a decent conversation through the crack in my door. After I told him I was an atheist he tried to use apologetics; when I told him I was familiar with his arguments and didn't find them convincing further explaining that I take a scientific route of belief and chose not to believe until there is evidence for a god. He understood and thanked me for explaining and listening to him and he left with a handshake. I was surprised at myself for how civil I was to him but how does everyone else usually respond?

Nicsnort 6 Oct 14

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I answer the door naked. Freaks out most people.


Im always ready with my principia discordia, a cold pint and my tattiest undies. Given that I already look like the kind of guy you wouldnt trust with your kids, conversations have been brief and usually over the intercom


I tell them I'm busy worshipping Satan. That usually tackles that problem.


Interesting thread. I live in France and the ones we get are English and generally wet, bedraggled and tired by the time we get them, so they are cordially invited in and given a tea and a place by the fire. Once they get started, we just go about our lives and cook, clean, tune up the chain saws, whatever, while engaging them in debate. We had one young French guy last year who seriously fell for my daughter last year - I don't think he had ever met anyone of his own age who thought independently, snd he came back three times ?!!!
My husband also brings out our bible , which has post -its all over it to the various contradictions, when they say " You have never read this passage."
Oneguy I met later in town, said the warmest reception he'd ever had, was from ......the atheists.

Ps. Nice to meet you all, this is my first evening here. 🙂

Tilia Level 7 Apr 1, 2018

Happened once. I invited them into the kitchen for coffee which seemed to stun then as though they had never had someone invite them in before. We sat down and had a very interesting conversation as they fumbled over what their church was about, (mormons I think, been a while) As they stumbled over each section I easily shut it down with logical questions and by the end of the hour long conversation I had them questioning their faith out loud. I suggested that they read from cover to cover the book they were forced to drag around, (which neither of them actually had,) and in the mean time, continue being good people. If they come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist then they will have all the proof they need that being a good person isn't about what faith you carry but more so what values you hold.

"If they come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist then they will have all the proof they need that being a good person isn't about what faith you carry but more so what values you hold."

This is something I try to get ppl to understand. You shouldn't need book to tell you how to be a good person.


Depends how much time I have, my grandmother used to make 'J.W,s ' tea and biscuits and sit down with them and let them do their spiel, took their leaflets and when they left said, thats my good deed for the day I let some other poor person in peace for a bit longer. I am capable of this but now live in sheltered accommodation and they wouldn't get in to the place.


I told some Mormons, one time, "Aren't you guys racist?" Turned them red in the face.


I open the door.

I find out what they want.

I close the door.



I used to be a Jehova's witness and this was the part I hated the most about it all the whole door to door thing.. Now a days even though I don't care for door knockers I try to be polite.. Now typically I work a night shift so if they come in the morning I tell em to bring coffee and if they can't do that well they've gota deal with me talking with them naked.In general I enjoy the challenge to my belief structure.


I lived in a small town in Iowa that was very Catholic. One day we had Mormons show up. I was in my kitchen cooking when I saw them walking up the street. My ex was in the living room with our two year old. All the windows were open, the front door was open but the screen was locked. I yelled, "The Mormons are coming! The Mormons are coming!" They had to have heard me yell, but when they knocked, we didn't answer. We had four wiener dogs at the time and they were at the door losing their minds. They knocked again because we were obviously home, but we didn't answer. My daughter like like, door? I was like shhhh.

Now one time I had someone knock at my door in the town I live in now, I opened the door and saw an older gentleman with a bible, I looked at the bible, looked at him and said, "Hell no." and shut the door in their face.


I ask them in for sex. It stops the whole visit dead in its tracks. You generally never see the same religious hawkers again.


I had JW's knock on my door one Sunday morning about a month ago. I told them I was an atheist and the dude immediately started bringing up evolution. (JW's are creationists) I told him that atheism and evolution are two separate topics. We had a cordial conversation. I told them about my daughter, Autumn, who was born with a rare and severe congenital heart defect. I told them that had she been born into their religion, she'd already be dead. She's had 10 open heart surgeries and has been put on a bypass machine every time. They eventually left and one of the guys asked if he could pray for my daughter. I told him sure! I don't care if you waste your time.


I am chuckling on this one as it brings back a memory of how I chose to deal with a very persistent group of door knockers. My boyfriend and I had just moved in together and we started getting door knockers right away. I tried being nice. I tried being cold. I tried being rude. Well, with one particular set of door knockers (JWs), they would not take "no" for an answer. They just kept coming back for more. One day I was cleaning and there was the knock at the door. I could see who it was through the window. Frustrated and not just a bit angry I went to the door and threw it open. They stood there with their mouths open. One turned away immediately, seeing that I was not clothed. The other young man stood there staring (not at my eyes) for a minute or so while I told them off and invited them not to return. They did indeed leave and never came back. Now, I do not share this suggesting you do this as it could land you in jail. Just sayin'....


i grin like a monkey but won't say anything, few min.later they start murmuring,
then they flee


I usually try and convert them to my religion....I haven't got one but the one I make up on the spot has as much validity as theirs has.????


Welcome them in, give them a cup of tea and sit them on my sofa. And talk to them.

For some strange reason they are always trying to leave.


I would have to agree, answering the door nude usually does the trick.


If possible, I invite them in and offer something to drink. I always invite them to speak and I listen. I appreciate their passion and we always have a good discussion. I don't hold with either Jehovah's Witnesses or Latter Church of Saints... but I always have questions. I'm not the be all and end all.

Great attitude... I am an atheist and not interested in changing people's minds but it's really awesome talking to others about their beliefs... our discussions usually last at the most 10 minutes... knowing what the Mormon religion philosophy and beliefs are and how incredibly psychedelic it is... I always find them friendly... I mean come on when they die they get their own planet and get to have Celestial sex how much better does it get then that.

@emjai lol


I have a sign on my door that says, unless you have a hot pizza go away.


I had a plan all set up and then they woke me up one morning when I was super hung over. All I could say was, "I can't, I just can't." and closed the door. 😀


Four years ago, I bought a building that used to be a church and I've been living in it. There's no sign on it, but the steeple is still there. So, they tend to avoid me, thinking I'm already "committed". Works out kinda nice in a way I wasn't expecting. 🙂


I've had the unfortunate experience of being on the other side of the door. I know that now is not a good time to undo their held beliefs but I sincerely tell them that I feel sorry for the way the church
is wasting their time. I actually wish it was true, but alas...


What about a sign saying a practicing witch lives here?


I prefer Drop towel because of course they interrupted my shower "yes, tell me about your god"

Mabes Level 2 Nov 20, 2017

Also, just for kicks, I once drew a chalk outline on my porch and put up caution tape; there were watchtower magazines lying nearby; ur choice ????

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