The correlation between religious experience and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE). I've just NOW heard about this? FFS I never knew that was a thing! Thought I should share this for those who do not know about it. I unboxed that topic while reading Richard Dawkins " The God Delusion" that an acquaintance recommended me.
First link is more cut and dry, the second is more narrative.
Link: []
Link: []mysticism/5956982
After I went off SSRIs (after having been on them for some decade or so) my "mystical" leanings--deep and absorbing interests in astrology, palmistry, crystals, etc.--completely vanished. Not sure if this is related to TLE in any way but I always felt there was a connection between the drug(s) and my mystical bent. I no longer have that "reaching out for the ineffable" feeling which was previously so intense.
I don't have epilepsy but when undergoing chemotherapy five years ago I had haleucinations in the hospital-euphoric in nature but not god-like. Were these study patients under the influence of any other drugs? Had they experimented with LSD, THC or ecstasy? I did as a teen. I think more study needs to be done. Too many variables not considered.
As an epileptic I know various brain things. Pressure on the brain can cause religious visions, personally I haven't had a tonic-clonic/grand-mal seizure in a while but last few ones I was half conscious for and came back very quickly from. One I was putting my clothes on at the gym and I couldn't get up for about 15 minutes. I'd worked out hard but I'd done that before. Couldn't keep my eyes open, distressed not sure what's what.
I could have pushed the emergency button next to the toliet but I snuck out because I just wanted to go home. I ruined my favorite shirt and cut my lip open. I called my bf so and caught a bus home.
@SilverDollarJedi If you're empathetic enough you can feel someone else's pain, but only if you have been hurt in that area before. Remembering anything is pretty much luck to match neurons hitting at the same time (dream issue). We visually imagine things while still seeing the real things around us. Sometimes my dreams are audio/visual other times they're mostly feeling/audio.
@SilverDollarJedi Yeah I'm medicated and except for some petit-mals here and there I'm okay and I only get those when I haven't really slept. I think I'll lose weight before looking into further options. I will have to eventually because I can't take medication pregnant.