If I meet a possible partner I can understand from the smallest gesture what is his interest in. If he smile and is very patient and kind for example I can feel if he is angry, try to lie, try to manipulate me, faking it, don't like me, etc.
The same I can "read" a person despite the distance. If someone send me a message (after 2, 3 messages) I can feel what happens in "the backstage", what are the feelings of the person concerning me.
Probably a lot of people can do this but I can tell you exactly how a movies going to end, who the killer is etc etc within the first 15 min of a movie. Not amazing but my kids get so pissed off and before even seeing a movie with me will remind me to not spoil it for them. Lol.
This is really weird and I know you probably won't believe this, but I have an interesting 6th sense. Too bad it only seems to work when playing Trivial Pursuit. I discovered it years and years ago playing with my mother and my sister and then used it to my major advantage during a bar tournament. If you turn the card over and read the answer while I'm thinking about it, if I don't know the answer it'll pop into my head when you read the card. My sister can do it too. Family rule; no reading the answer until after the other person gives an answer.
Do you really, or do you just think that you do?
I really do, but of course there is need a connection between me and another person can feel something like this.
I too can sum up people very easily - It hurts often that people are disappointing to me and i have few people whom I would open up to showing them my world which seems so different from theirs. so it seems like I am always playing an away match never on my own ground . I do have some spectacularly good relationships but they are few. on the whole I feel I am always the one giving out to others and I suppose its and easy way to live a life.