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Has anyone else had their wisdom teeth removed? I did, many tears ago when I was still in the USN, by a total butcher. I was given only lidocaine during the procedure, (I had 3 wisdom teeth & 2 were impacted), & no pain medication after. Was the most pain I had ever experienced until I had UPPP surgery many years later to cure sleep apnea.

phxbillcee 10 Jan 12

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Had all 4 pulled same day, two impacted, in Montreal in the late '70s. Needed no after-surgery meds and jaw was only a little sore. Guess I was very, very lucky compared to the horror stories I've heard. Sorry you all had a hard time.


No, I had yet another molar removed about 5 years ago, told dentist now to worry, it would finally leave enough room for wisdom teeth to come through,(I was 55), he said nope. That is a 3rd set of molars, so at this rate my wisdom teeth are still about 30 years off, they are there in the x-ray, but other teeth in front of them. I am on my 3rd set of eye teeth as some were removed when I was about 11, for over crowding. I don't get anesthetic for most dental work, only big extractions. I had sinuses scrapped without anesthetic when I was 14.
Most pain ever, was walking on a stone fish about 8 years ago.

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