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What are two foreign languages that you are interested or least interested in learning?

Interest: Swedish
Least interest: Arabic

EmeraldJewel 7 Aug 4

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48 comments (26 - 48)

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I think I would like to learn bullshit and probably Spanish. Not having a good line of bull.


Currently I know German and some Spanish. I’d really like to learn Russian and Latin though. I can actually understand Swedish decently because it is very similar to German.


I would love to learn Greek and Chinese.


I'd like to learn Portuguese.

I am least likely to want to learn German.


I was fluent in German, but have forgotten so much from lack of use that I'd love to brush up. I wouldn't mind learning Hindi so I could understand the docs at work. Spanish is practical, but I've never cared for the sound of the language. Would never bother with Latin.


I already speak English, French and German, studied Ukrainian in school for years. Canada is fantastic at offering foreign languages. Since I now live in Houston, I’m already working on Spanish, would like to to try a Far East language. Not interested in some obscure tribal language.


Most: Spanish (hoping to eventually relocate to Central America)
Least: trumpish.


Intriguing question. I am a native English speaker. I speak German passably, as I was an exchange student there a zillion years ago. I still enjoy watching movies in German. I have a smattering of beginner Spanish and most want to improve that. It is a no-brainer in terms of usefulness in our country, and unlike some, I welcome central-American undocumented immigrants. They are helping build our country, and as for sucking up tax resources, studies say that undocumented immigrants tend to use more tax money than they contribute for about the first 12 years, but by then they're contributing more and are a sum gain for our country. And they commit significantly fewer crimes than natives. So THERE, xenophobes!

As for languages I haven't even started to learn that intrigue me: Italian, mostly because I love its beautiful cadance/rhythm, and Gaelic, which is beautiful, part of my heritage, AND as one respondent here pointed out, apparently is GAY, so hey! What could be better? 😉

Least interested: Latin. Stupid dead language. I have absolutely no intererst in attending Roman Catholic traditional mass, and sure, it is the foundation of the romance languages, but did I mention it's DEAD?


Japanese and French


Interested: French
Least: Any language where I'd also have to learn a new alphabet. Five years of Hebrew school when I was a kid was enough.


I'm very interested in becoming fluent in Greek, Italian and French because of my tentative travel plans. I know that's more than two, but I can't help it. I love learning to communicate in multiple languages. Keeps the mind sharp.


I speak English and East TN Hillbilly, but would love to learn Spanish and or French.


I would enjoy being fluent in Scottish Gaelic (I just know the basics)
No desire to try matching words up with symbols -- my brain might explode 🙂


Would most like learn German as my family is from there. Then Spanish so I can understand a third of the population in this country.

Would least want speak Gaelic because I'm not gay.

I speak German and am ever so slowly learning Spanish. But I'd love to speak Gaelic. Hey! Maybe that's because I AM gay! 🙂


I speak four languages and would like to learn at least four more, Russian,Korean, Arabic and Chinese, and I'm least interested in learning Klingon or Dothoraki.


I recently started self-teaching Japanese. I'm beginning with Heisig's Remembering The Kanji. Itmis going be a long journey ?

GinoG Level 4 Aug 4, 2018

Interested: French
Least: Swahili


Took 4 semesters of Italian but don't remember it. It was 25 years ago, and I think I barely passed the classes past the first semester. I'd love to pick it up again.

Then, in order, I'd like to learn German, Spanish, and French. I think those would be do-able to learn. I'd like to learn Swedish and Finnish, too.

If I had a magic wand (so I could acquire a new language without the effort of learning it) I'd take Mandarin and Arabic.

Least interested: It's had to name one that I'm not interested in, but I choose Esperanto. Klingon is a good choice here, too. (stealing that idea from another post)


Right now I'm trying to re-do learn my Spanish from high school and learn Italian. I have no interest in learning German.

GwenC Level 7 Aug 4, 2018

Most: Japanese
Least: Persian


Finnish & Scottish Gaelic

To learn? And why?


American and Ghanaic or Ghanese or however you say the official language of Ghana. Perhaps I'll give Fijian and New Zealandish a go too.


Italian would be the one I would love to be able to speak, although having learned Latin at school many, many years ago, I can understand quite a lot if it already. I don’t think there is any language I would not want to be able to speak, but Arabic always sounds to me like speakers of it have a lump of phlegm in their throat they are trying to expectorate!

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