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I was disturbed by this recent case of patient dumping on the news the other night and I stated on my facebook page that we need universal healthcare for this reason among others. The woman was poor lacking health insurance. The hospital put her put in the cold wearing only socks and a hospital gown. I am troubled by this, even more troubling is a Christian friend of mine arguing for the current system of healthcare (I.e. paid insurance) over universal health care. From those I have spoken with that have it in their countries they prefer this over our system and in fact our system scares the daylights out of them. While admittedly no system is perfect I think it is far superior to our for profit insurance system we have now. It seems Christians are not so generous when it comes to those in need of medical care. Thoughts?

misstuffy 7 Jan 13

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I understand @IntelletualRN's point (and thank you for what you and your associates do in what are sometimes impossible situations).

Our system makes it difficult for even insured, financially sound people to get mental health treatment, so the options for what to do with an uninsured poor person are slim. To top it off, many Christian sects are pushing the belief that being poor, mentally ill, or addicted is a "choice", so why should they be helped? All that Christian charity is mind-boggling, isn't it?

However, the video I saw was pretty clear that this woman wasn't sound, so surely there must be some alternative to putting her out in the street like that. Social services? The police?

It was also pretty obvious she was not violent and in fact seemed very confused and overwhelmed.

I actually didn't even watch the video and know little to nothing about the circumstances, just that she was taken to a bus stop in the cold with only a gown on. I'm definitely not planting a flag and taking a stand on that without knowing a lot more. If she didn't have the capacity to make rational decisions (one of the conditions the physician can and should hold somebody for), her family probably already filed a lawsuit. Social services are as overworked as psychiatric services. Even in Massachusetts where I work and they are far better funded than most states, the needs just outpace the resources.


For the record, the circumstances under which a physician may essentially rob a person of autonomy and order them restrained physically and/or chemically and hospitalized against their will are very limited. As nice as the straitjacket (not something we use) to psych admission option sounds, it's not that easy. And I haven't even mentioned the issue of psych bed availability....


Nothing left to add. Things are bad here.


R eally sad-why didn't they call social services? Negligent hospital. Catholic hospital by any chance?

Unruly patients should be admitted to the psyche ward sedated and straight jacketed for further evaluation


The clip I saw said she was unruly so they put her out. However, the hospital still said she should have been dressed completely before removal. They even claimed she'd already had medical care and been released. Didn't seem she was cognizant enou gh to be on her own.

I agree. Medical staff should be able to recognize mental health issues and act accordingly. It was freezing outside and they set her out half naked. If the young man had not intervened she could have very well died out there.


And yet they have no problem buying bombs ,,,,,,


First, I'm 100% for universal healthcare. Second, I'm an emergency nurse who has, when in charge of the department, had to have security or police remove people from the property. The circumstances of this particular incident are not entirely clear so any judgment is premature, but I would like to give some insight into our world. At my hospital, we don't throw someone out in the cold without a damn good reason. When it gets cold, part of the department essentially acts as a shelter. We do have clothing to give discharged patients and would never send them out in a gown unless they refused the offer. They would have to be threatening or, worse, assaulting staff to be kicked out. I started Nurses' Week last year taking a punch to the face. There are people who are beyond reason and act in ways that defy logic. One of my favorite attending physicians had someone spit in his face just last night. There is another side to this that may never be able to come out publically due to that patient's right to confidentiality.


I'm curious if the hospital was religiously affiliated.

dkp93 Level 8 Jan 13, 2018

Hundreds of nuns own catholic hospitals worth a trillion dollars all tax exempt not paying for local cops fire libraries sewers streets Hill Burton law is very old and inadequate requiring certain amount of free care in exchange for government programs

It would be interesting to see if thats the case or not.


Blind greedy propaganda keeps TrumpOLINI attacks upon health care policy from the pays for itself fix HR 676 MEDICARE4ALL NEW YORK needs one more Senator in Albany to prove how it works without raising taxes Medicare saves every state money. ...local taxpayers pay for emergency room costs for patients denied primary care through Medicare OR MEDICAID. ...UNIVERSAL SINGLE PAYER saves 60% of one 6th of the US economy. ..the only losers are the blood sucking insurance profiteering CEOs who employ thousands of lobbyists to bribe Congress away from HR 676 MEDICARE4ALL

Term limits for congress are needed

@misstuffy ratify AMENDMENT ONE 50 thousand persons per Congressional District in 27 more states send 6000 honest people to out vote the incumbent criminal theocrats


I saw that, and am following the story to see what becomes of it.
I totally agree with you about Universal healthcare.
People from Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and Finland aren't staying around when they come here because we have nothing to offer them for them to stay, but look at their education, their pay, their prison systems, their energy systems and their healthcare and benefits that they get for their tax dollars.
This is something that we as Americans need to take a long hard look at and try to model the same kinds of goals

Donna Level 6 Jan 13, 2018

I totally agree. Did you see the Swedes remark to Trump asking why more people from there didnt move here? I loved it, they consider this to be a shithole country. It's all relative and most likely went right pver the trumpsters head!

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