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Do you like to dominate your partner or to be dominated?

I like to be dominated but sometimes to dominate my partner ( when I have the one) and I mean all areas.

Sensiwoman7 6 Aug 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Loving relationships work best when we add a certain spirit, an attitude of goodwill. I wouldn't know a grudge if it mugged me. I miss the tender touch, laughter, conversation, intimacy, teamwork and fun of a committed, loving relationship.

False Dilemma

Also known as: all-or-nothing fallacy, false dichotomy, the either-or fallacy, either-or reasoning, fallacy of false choice, fallacy of false alternatives, black-and-white thinking, no middle ground, polarization.

When only two choices are presented yet more exist, or a spectrum of possible choices exists between two extremes.

False dilemmas are usually characterized by “either this or that” language, but can also be characterized by omissions of choices.

You have such a beautiful heart mind n soul.

Thank you. What a lovely thing to say! You warmed my heart.

@LiterateHiker Aww well that warms my heart too!. See! There's many studies out talking about how healthy it is to express kindness to others. It's something I practice online as well in person in my work or wherever I'm at in the world, well I remember talking with you months ago. Very sweet person, glad to see you still around!


I'm a total sub. I have one friend who is a switch and he tried to get me to dominate him. I was horrible. He had to tell me what to tell him to do, lol.

oh that tickled me ?

Not bad, you tried 🙂)


I don’t like the word dominate. My girlfriend is my partner. Sometimes she leads and sometimes I lead depending on what we are doing.

jab60 Level 6 Aug 7, 2018

I like to be a partner, not the superior or inferior


I like it both ways, we tend to take turns taking the lead.

I think some are missing the point here, when one doms the other or vice versa its a type of roleplay/ foreplay in my opinion, youre not actually doing it to belittle in a personal and bad way, its just cute fun with the right person, esp when costumes are involved.

@Moondrop I completely agree, some people just don't get it


Eh, i guess you could call me "switch", but I'm not really into the dominance/submission paradigm to begin with. I prefer it when everyone is free and comfortable doing whatever they want, without necessarily adhering to some kind philosophical or behavioral super-structure. I get turned off when people want to give up agency, or make me give up mine.

Couldn't have said it better. Should be fluid, vases on partner, trust level, and, most importantly, where the moment and the passion takes you.


I seek equality, but there can be dominant and submissive aspects or play or whatever.


Definitely not.

You don't like either?

@JenBeberstein Either would be creepy to me.


False dichotomy. Those aren't the only two choices. Love is not a zero sum game.

The post doesn’t imply that those are the only possible choices.


Neither. In and out of the bedroom.


Neither. I prefer an equal partnership.


I can be a switch if requested but I prefer to be a sub, I have more fun and feel more comfortable being controled by my Sir.


It's so much fun and interesting. To those implying an d/s relationship is inherently unequal, you do not understand. The level of trust and communication is raised. The ability to let go and Express is enhanced. The freedom to explore repressed parts of yourself expands. A powerful electricity flows like I'd never known before. Read up before you deny or judge. And, don't knock it 'till you've tried it, eith someone really good at it. Or renew your sexlife with your one and only by slowly experimenting together. Done well, you will discover areas you never knew in yourself and your decades old partner


I like my women physically submissive when we're relaxing. For example, when we're laying down watching tv. I don't get spooned etc. lol. I like a mix of both during sex though. I also like my women to be calm because I'm laid back. I don't need people telling me what to do. I don't tell my women what to do either. It's a two way street in that aspect.


I prefer a partnership, but tbh the women I've been with (while partners in other areas) have always wanted to be dominated physically and I'll oblige to make them happy.

It means that you have understanding

@Sensiwoman7 Agreed. And it's not like the action in anyway makes them less or me more in our relationship. They just have preferences for their intimate encounters and I am willing to be that for them.


Be dominated. But yet I tend to top from the bottom. I can switch if asked but I prefer not to be in a Dominant position. In other aspects of my life though I’m very dominant.


Dominate..just the way I'm wired.


I am dominant...not negotiable


I'm the Dom, my husband, bf, and gf, are all subs. (Polyamorous)




I think the relationship in general should be a match between equals. In the bedroom, I definitely like being dominated. I think I would like to try dominating too, but would have to know that my partner really wants to be submissive.


If I had one then I would like to walk side by side along the way of life. I understand there are plenty of possibilities and combinations. My vision is just one of then.... No right or wrong as long as both agree, that's what I want and what I believe


In life the ideal relationship is a partnership between equals.

In the bedroom anything goes. I tend to be dominant but can easily switch ?


Women tend to love me to dominate them just because I'm a huge guy.

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