If you were given the opportunity to give up everything and move anywhere in the world to start a new life, would you?
If you would, where would you go and what would you do?
I like my life. I love my home, I like my city, and I'm lucky enough to have friends and health and enough money to have everything I need and pretty much anything I really want, within reason. I'd rather practice gratitude for what I have than long to start over somewhere else.
Anyone with a few hundred bucks that hasn't done that wouldn't, because anyone [that isn't on the no-fly list] reading this that has enough money for a ticket could have.
I would go to Switzerland and learn to become a competent watchmaker, how interesting that would be.
I think most watches going forward are going to be made by children and machines in China...
Good point Jeff, Being a person very attuned to mechanical devices, I am fascinated by how watch parts are produced. and to what extent they can reach such high levels of accuracy. But with digital crystal controlled movements I guess the mechanical watch is dead in the water.
My handler here is gipsy of the new spain... I make honor to my handler. You find me my soul mate and I will live anywhere. I go where she is and do with her whatever we want to do. I am in freedom right now to do whatever my money allow me to do and that is all happiness I need. If she don't dance I teach her, Salsa is everywhere and here is the catch... My soul mate won't be a 2 left feet racist ugly soul. And I can swing, foxtrot, tango and whatever she dances... I am all for it. She can waltz into my life. Or we don't need to dance we can just cuddle and wonder how in hell we got there. What I do with my soul mate and where I am going to do it is none of your business of course. I hope you get the joke... I am not afraid of travel. I have no roots. Life is an adventure.