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Gerrymandering! How fucked-up is that shit?

I'm not even American & I want to start a revolution!

atheist 8 Jan 13

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Wtf is this shi

ooo whoops ... moving to mexico hope you don't find me @atheist


Brilliant strategy by a computor. we have to wait till 2020 before all that can be undone. only in america je pense


Only < 50% of people eligible to vote actually vote, so the district boundaries aren't quite as stacked as people assume. If everyone who could vote did vote, then the results would differ significantly from the assumptions that went into the Gerrymandering. So let's get atypical voters to vote.


Do away with districts altogether, and go to a system of strict proportional representation. A party wins a certain percentage of the vote, they get a certain percentage of legislative seats. No gerrymandering possible.

Oh, and go to runoffs for executive positions if no one candidate gets 50%, abolishing the electoral college. Put those two together, and we can break up the two party system.


Yes, it’s created extremes, by creating unnatural boundaries based on their political, economic or social status. Example: herd consistent Democrat voters into a contorted district. During the (our) US primary, when each party sorts out it’s final candidate, the most active (angry) extremists often get their way because they put out the effort - and they vote! Look at voter turnout during primaries or ‘off presidential’ years...

So we end up with candidates chosen by party Extremists. In office, they won’t compromise or they’ll ‘lose their base,’ thus their next election. It works the same for presidential candidates… We turn to the courts ..but who appointed the judges? - the side for who ‘Gerrymandering’ worked! We beg the office holders - nothing, it’s how they got there! ...while the Extremes become more so.. Yes, it’s fucked up, perhaps the downfall of our democracy, definitely the root of gridlock, and no doubt the reason we’ve the worst president in US history … folks are pissed off, want change - but have no idea how to make that change happen..

Tragically, they had a chance… She would have appointed a supreme court justice willing to visit this issue.. As well as may more. The nation takes two steps forward -- then a flying leap back. ...handing the entire government over to the republican party.. National Suicide ~

Varn Level 8 Jan 14, 2018

That pretty well sums it up. It's 2018, I hope the American voter is wiser. I hope 'real' candidates decide to run for all offices, city, county, state. What I mean by real is a person who is willing to work for her/his constituents. Many gop senate and congress positions up for grabs during Obama's 2 terms were filled by people with little or no interest in how government works, they were funded by big money special interests with no concern for the majority of Americans. Dems do this too but - IMO- not to the extreme the gop does. I know trickle down economics does not work and we need safe guards like were put in place after 1929 market crash and great depression.

@silverotter11 America’s awake, but has a lot to learn ~


For years I've thought we need a new popular definition of the term 'voter fraud'.


I live in a state with more registered democrats than republicans. Judgeships, gubernatorial races, Senators, Attorneys General, positions elected by the whole state go to Democrats about 7 out of 10 times. Although that may be congressional seats and the General assembly seats are entirely different. 8 of the last 13 congressional seats went to republicans, the general assembly has far more republicans in the house and senate than democrats, an overwhelming amount of people voted for democrats in the last elections but the majority of congressional reps are republicans. It's because they gerrymandered the hell out of this state 2010. We have districts that look like dragon flies and other things and which ignore the places they traditionally occupied and a bunch more weird shapes. Every election cycle democrats draw more votes (54% in 2016) without managing to win elections and it's all because of Gerrymandering.

Gerrymandering has become a science, and though both parties are guilty - the Repubs never sleep, and have far less (if any) scruples when compared to the Democrats. And scruples lose..

@atheist Yes, and though I’ve not given the following opinion, I will.. As a longtime active Democrat, I’ve watched the party taken over by women. OK, I’ve daughters, sisters, aunts and a mom … but what I’ve noticed is they won’t, or perhaps can’t fight. We’d have our highway signs, for example, sawn down and stacked like firewood by the R’s. “Oh no,” our female contenget would say, “We just don’t do that…” Well, this guy put em up -- so matched their tactics. Guess what? our signs were left alone.

With numerous examples of, “Oh no,” “We’d never do that!” responses to the all-out-war the Repubs declared on us -- they’ve won - and we’ve lost. Yes, women around here are fighters ..but what I’ve witnessed happen to the democratic party over the last ..35 years is having become a sniveling cowering quivering pethotic remnant of the onetime mouthpiece of fighting unions supporting the common man. What now?


Gerrymandering is not at all new. Groups in power have always tried to stack the deck to maintain their grip. The problem is that today's Republicans have become both more adept and more brazen about it!


Gerrymandering+voter suppression+flood of dark money in politics+right wing propaganda+Russian interference=our current orange-hued shitstorm.


I'll take "extremely fucked up" for 300,Alex.


Well, hitler was not german so... go ahead.

an Austrian with jewish ancestry in love with a jewish woman, go figure.

@Rugglesby yeah, think about this. He got infatuated with a young female cousin. To the point that they have to remove her from his sight. If they would had reported him to authorities maybe history would had been a little different. And then again. He still went to jail for rebellion toward the state. So the adjustment bureau is always at work. Imagine an adjustment bureau working on trump after every twitter.

He was born in Austria but got German citizenship. He was a German citizen. I think that makes him German.

@carlyhorton Well what I meant to say was he was not born German citizen. He was born Austrian. Germans are the first to let you know that. Austria don't want to claim him either. Example on point I was born american citizen but I Will Consider Myself Until the Day I Die Puerto Rican First. I will gladly turn in my american citizenship for Puerto Rican citizenship when the day come. I hope you understand the meaning. Thank You for the correction.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Thank you for the explanation. 🙂 It makes perfect sense that you can be an American citizen but consider yourself Puerto Rican first.

@carlyhorton Thank You for your understanding. Sometimes that statement I made open a whole new can of worms.


What is more is that Americans have been putting up with it for over a century and do nothing to end it, how fuck up is that?

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