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Is trump the best thing that could happen for the Dems?

What's your prediction for the next elections?

atheist 8 Oct 15

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its the best thing for all of us. He's doing a great job of pointing out all that's wrong with capitalism and with any luck we'll make amends once he's gone as painful as it is to watch and providing he doesn't revert to the ultimate violence.


I fear Bannon and his nazi's.They would force their view of life ,politics,religion ,freedom, free speech on the masses and it would place America in the position of a new civil war. Just look what they are doing to their own party. Just imagine what they would do if they were in power.They are a threat to our country and our society using wealth and big money companies to rule. They have already under trump attacked the environment,society with their health care and social security plans and the debt of our country with their tax bill all to increase the wealth of the top 5% at the loss of the other 95%. Their greed and lack of caring for the world and it's environment,people and their health is staggering! Everyone please do what ever is neccessary to prevent these nazi's from coming to power.


I don't think he'll run for office again even if people would vote for him, doesn't seem like he enjoys it


Donald Trump?! "Fake News"

Tejas Level 8 Oct 15, 2017

I think he is the worst thing that could happen to them as they will not stope to his level of politics so, they stand no chance at all of capturing any of the dumb ass vote at all. Dumb ass is a big percentage of the electorate, without at least a small portion of it they will remain in second place.

The thing is that an incumbent always has a certain advantage with the electorate many people resist change, there is also the gerrymandering problem and add that to the 30+% dumb ass vote, much to my chagrin the US could easily put that clown back in office.

I agree . an uneducated electorate is effectively tyranny by the masses. Getting our schools to educate in critical thinking would help but there will still be a 20 year waiting period before they could vote !


I don't agree based on he's dead set on upsetting everyone who has an applecart. The world has needed a change from the same old thing. While I don't think he's the change people need he's effected far reaching change that could ultimately change the way the world deals with things as well as the way it sees things. Things may get hella worse before they get better but ultimately they will get better.

SamL Level 7 Oct 15, 2017

Yes and no. On the one had, it will show just how little republicans care for average people who are not rich, but on the other hand there are those who can never admit they are wrong, and because they voted for Trump they won't stop supporting him because they think they will look foolish if they admit a mistake.

The longer Trump and/or Pence is in office the more damage tht will be done to ourt country and the less likely we will be able to recover. It is much easier to break things (the system) than it is to build, or rebuild things or a good system.

People are too impatient and if Dems get in power after Trump, the public will likely turn on them because they can't make things bettter quick enough.


It is because of Dems that trump was elected. They have no one else to blame but themselves. Dems deserved Trump, and seeing how they are just doubling down on what got trump elected, I really feel we are gonna have a second term.


He's not the best thing for anyone. All he has done is create a further division between the right and the left. Maybe the Orange Menace's extreme insanity will drive a few people towards Dem candidates, but I doubt it will be enough to make much of a difference.

oh, I hope not! I was referring more about the mid-term elections next year. But the Dems better come up with a decent candidate for 2020, and a better campaign, or they could lose again. People made the mistake of underestimating Trumples and his crazy supporters, and look what happened. Personally, I hope that treasonous bastard gets impeached before he has a chance to run for re-election!


People are disgusted and do not trust politicians. They have forgotten lessons from the past. His base is the same ignorant religious, low information, concrete thinking ilk that will always support him, but too many other people have embraced the Orange Nazi movement. Of course, I want the Republicans to fail in their take over, but I'm just not that hopeful for our future. I haven't given up, just saddened by what is going on.

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