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How many contacts do you have In the memory of your mInd?

A great majority of us have a Transponder Device known as a Smartphone or Cellphone. These devices allow you to store contacts of friends or family.
When we make a call, we normally open contacts, select a contact and initaite the call.

Lets speculate for a moment.

Without your Device, How many contacts could you actually dial by memory?

I once loss my cell phone and honestly didnt know any of my contacts by heart with the exception of my Job because its a Hospital and their contact number is posted on nearly every wall of my job, and I see it daily... I was so traumatized by this incident, I bought a smart watch with LTE calling and its own number in the event I forget or loose my cell!

BEING COMPLETELY many contacts do you have memorized?

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twshield 8 Jan 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Before I got a smart phone it was dozens, now, less than 10, say 5.


Smart phones have only seemed to help in the process of dumbing down society.


I remember the numbers of relatives n friends -all- from BEFORE the cellphone era...some numbers are 50 y/o and I have not used them in decades.....BUT the "post cellphone era numbers" are a mystery to me. LOL
I know my number


I know my own number and only one other.


Just my wifes.... I'm screwed when I loose my phone. I loose everything. It's sad but true.


Not a single one. I am not that important neither are they to be memorized. I know where to get the number from. I got this device called notebook and with a pen interface I had recorded the numbers for posterity. My mind has other priorities to handle.


I thought I knew more, but now that you've asked, I can only recall the numbers for my two sons, my mom and a few numbers at work. I do remember my grandma's number still, and she passed away 13 years ago.

dkp93 Level 8 Jan 14, 2018

About five personal and 10-15 at work. I have had a knack for memorizing numbers if I use them often by dialing, writing, calling them out verbally etc... Maybe I should set my gazillion passwords that way!

Zster Level 8 Jan 14, 2018

I used to be able to remember phone numbers by dialing pattern. Most numbers I no longer dial, I use auto dial.

Yep, me too! I often can recall a number if I practice dial it. Guess my fingers have better memory than the rest of me does!


Yeah, if I don't have my phone I am so screwed!! 2 years ago Thanksgiving I was working a 12 hour shift. I droppped my phone just right and killed it deader than hell. And it was snowing that day. I knew if I had car trouble on the way home I was dead in the water. I still don't remember any phone numbers besides my own.


I know 3 people by phone number and my own.


I've only got my own number, and my aunt's, memorized. Although, I do still remember the phone number of house I lived in when I was a kid.

I also still remember my first ever home telephone number 🙂

@Sacha I do too!! I haven't used that number in over 40 years, wow.


I only know my mothers home phone number off by heart, as she has had the same number for 20 years +. It would be a giant fail if I lost my cell phone, but there is always facebook and the interwebs to get peoples numbers again.

Though anyway back in the olden days when we had no cell phone, was that not what address books were for? What happened when you lost that! ?

Sacha Level 7 Jan 14, 2018

@twshield Some people have their whole lifes on their cells, so yea very dependent

Yeah... before that road trip... call ya when I get there!!
Or how about rotary phones... ugh! Waiting on those high numbers to spin around... and fuck my life on a misdial!!!
Don't forget those spiral cords too!! NEVER long enough!!


Only remember a few...

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