For those of you using this as a dating site:
Say you saw someone you found cute on this site. You go to their page with the intent of sending them a private message introducing yourself, but then you read their bio about what they do for a living.
What job / career would be on there to make you decide not to contact them?
Spin doctor would be at the top of my list, followed meth head.
Good question a few years ago we debated this and a lot of the answers here came up as "worst jobs". My choice was bailiff as you can be in right circumstances quite happy to see a cop, defense lawyer even the military if was a natural disaster etc but your never happy
I don't pass much judgement but if you tell me you are a con woman. I will pass on moral compass principle.
I seem to not get along too well with people who work in finance/accounting however I would give everyone a shot.