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Wrong side of history

Does anyone else have friends/family that voted for and/or support Trump? How do you handle it? I find it difficult to even talk to them. And I try to avoid even being around them if I can.

jennifool629 4 Aug 9

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I have several friends that are somewhat Trumpers and we avoid politics like the plague. I know others and we simply don't speak anymore.

gearl Level 8 Aug 9, 2018

A handful of family members are supporters of his. They haven't talked to me for over a year now. Kinda liking the quiet!


Fortunately, I am not in regular contact with anyone like that; not family, not friends. If I was, I would avoid the topic, there are lots of other things to talk about.


The most meme-posting, Trump is God worshiping orangenecks I know rarely even bring up politics in real life. It's kind of funny how personalities change in person. I'm not implying they're cowards, just that maybe the Internet brings out the worst in people.

That said, it's an easy subject to avoid most of the time. We're all people, right? I try to see their side, even if I think it's a bad decision. I know most voters are not super informed, and I think most of these guys are just attached to a brand. I don't think they're all stupid or anything, I just think a lot of them are being taken. Smart people fall for scams, too.

So I just try to put myself in their shoes, see why they feel that way. I don't always find what I think are good or even decent reasons, but I at least understand why they feel compelled to back Herr Cheeto.

To tack onto this, someone I consider a friend shared and laughed about a T-shirt that basically said the only good journalist is a dead journalist, graphic depiction of a hanging etc etc. When I confronted the guy in person, he didn't think it was a big deal. Of course he didn't mean me, why would I think that?

People don't always think things through.


I don’t talk politics anymore with my family. I’m originally from rural Louisiana in an area dominated by conservative evangelicals - southern baptist, Assembly of God, Pentecostals , etc. the amount of trump worship is sickening. I got off Facebook because all of old classmates were singing praises for trump. I don’t know that I plan on going back down there except for weddings and funerals. It is bad.

Ohub Level 7 Aug 9, 2018

It has become difficult for all of us. There are many that voted orange hair and regret it. Conspiracy and fake news must be how it felt for a citizen of Germany with the rise of Hitler. They find family members buying into it and no way can they talk about it. Not only does it anger and frustrated all of us , it is also a very frightening thing in that we may be seeing Germany once again with Trump

EMC2 Level 8 Aug 9, 2018

@powder Perhaps you need more sugar with your kool aide. there is NO excusing Trump
He is not like any president ever in our history. No president before Trump lied like this. No president tried to divide a nation No president surrender to Russia. We are not at all like we once were, We , a nation, never stopped bring great until Trump


I avoid and shun the ones that are most obnoxious. I do love my dad, and do not want to fight with a 78-year-old man with a bad heart, so I do NOT talk about politics with him. I walk out of there, when it gets started.
I said on another thread, I have a female cousin who calls herself Trump Girl. Her husband joined a white supremacy group, so I REALLY avoid that whole branch. As a liberal bisexual agnostic: I can’t be near them.
Fortunately, I’m blunt(or as they put it, ‘inappropriate with no social skills’??). I don’t mind getting them told if it’s necessary.


NO, thank goodness. My daughter, 28, is a Democrat. That's my girl!


I still try to be supportive and change their views but when I see that not even facts work I just give up and try to avoid some topics. I have better ways to waste my time than to try to convince a closed-minded person.

Dietl Level 7 Aug 9, 2018

I feel the same way. I think my daughters are coming around coz I talk so much and make it plain how Trump lies and how you can catch the lie and fact check. I bring up examples when I'm around them and I think they believe me now. Most Trumpsters think that he has to be on our side because he is "too rich" for it to be any other way. This thinking is a big mistake and Trump is not as rich as some people think.


Sad that I have a number of Trump supporters that I am related to. Does not surprise me too much as I often feel as though I was born into the wrong family. Actually I don't feel I belong anywhere, but that is a topic for another thread.

Anyway, I simply do my best to avoid discussion of politics. Religion usually has to be avoided as well.


Oh yea, many and it can be a challenge.............

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