I have debated this in another forum. My idea is to put IMP`s in houses so when an intruder was there unwanted just hit the electromagnetic pulse and put everyone out. Unfortunately that has too many complaining factors, so I settled on a shot to the head saves a lot of b.s.
The powers that be in America are preparing themselves for both violent and non-violent revolutionary actions. The corporate state is more in power than it ever was before. It desperately needs to protect its power, and the strong-arm apparatus of the state will continue to be the method of enforcement with ever-increasing boldness.
The system has been not-so-secretly reconfigured to ensure the powerful & wealthy stay that way while the rest of us are squeezed for blood to varying degrees, and generally kept ignorant as to why.
It's one of those things most of us seem to at least have a sense of, yet little actual motivation to do anything substantial about.