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Is the bible the basis of morality? I know personally that it is not but as a questioning Christian I've often heard Christians validating the bible by claiming that Athiests are evil and have no morals. One idiot even used Hitler as an example but sadly I was not equipped to dispute his claim.

Tendix 5 Jan 15

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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I would start by saying you don't need god, the bible, the Quran or any other holy book to be moral. We as moral atheists use ethics, philosophy, logic to come with moral reasoning. Hitler gets used by alot of people but why would a athiest mostly send jews to concentration camps wouldn't all religious people be represented? I would ask if he or she voted for trump? Then I would ask why would alot of christians vote for a immoral man using the bible's definition. I would ask if she or he thought the prosperity gospel movement is a moral movement. What the bible says about rich people. I would ask them to quote it.


Regarding Hitler, please do not snap up the claim here that he was a Christian, nor yet yield to the ignorant claim of the Christian you were debating that he was an atheist. He was neither Christian nor atheist, but something like a scientific pantheist who equated God and nature - hence, Social Darwinian "survival of the fittest" was the supreme law of his morality, hence justifying mass murder. You might be interested in the book by Richard Weikart, Hitler's Religion: The Twisted Belief that Drove the Third Reich. It is more readable than some history monographs. If this is important to you, though, do not stop there because there is considerable discussion of this topic among historians in terms of exactly what he actually believed. But you may be assured that he was neither Christian nor atheist.

A short review of Weikart's book may be found at the following link. The review concludes with the following: "Nonetheless, Hitler’s Religion is a work of momentous importance. One can hope that it will end the dispute on Hitler’s religion for good. After its publication, the intellectually honest atheist will no longer be able to falsely maintain that Hitler was a Christian, while the intellectually honest Christian who cares about being precise will have to give a more nuanced response than “Hitler did not believe in God.” He did, but Hitler’s God was vastly unlike the God of Christianity."


If anyone uses this against you just ask them if they would be willing to kill their child (or anyone) for their god. If they are believers of the truth of the bible their answer should be yes. If it is no, then point out to them that the bible is not moral enough for them.


This is where their ignorance infuriates me. Believe what you want, but if your god says I'm evil and can't have morals because I don't believe in him, F him and the believer. BTW, hell no the bible isn't a basis for morality. They think it is because they've been told that and can't think for themselves.


I hope that I am not evil. If I am, I am going to be the best evil that I can be.


Ethics are external motivators for behaviors. I society it may be polite to open doors for other people. Morality comes from within, do I think it is good or right to open doors for other people?
The entire idea of external motivators for morality is fallacious.

Christians believe they get their morality from Church/Christianity. First they still do wrong and immoral things without consequences just like everyone else. So what good does religion actually do if it does nothing to improve morality at any increased rate?

They believe that their morals come from religion. So they go to church and they are issued their morals from GOD. So if one does not have a magical sky daddy to issue them morals then they obviously don't have any.

But let's do a thought experiment. What would the world be like if unbelievers truly had no morals. What if there was no thought of others whatsoever for non believers. What if they really had no conscience at all and no empathy for anyone. Would society not go into immediate anarchy? Would we not just kill people because the got to the cashier first and would cost us time. Wouldn't we just throw away all newborns because the take time and energy to raise. Anyway they cry and poop when you feed the trash.

If we truly had no morals we could not last as a society or even family unit. They really aren't thinking through what they are implying.

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