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I've been thinking a lot about death recently and what I would like to happen with my remains when I die and I thought this could make for interesting discussion.

My personal preference would be to give my body to science; let the future doctors and biological scientists first get a good laugh, and then tear me apart and learn something that will hopefully benefit future societies.

What are your thoughts on your remains? What noble, or selfish thing would you like to happen to you when you're dead?

trasinater 4 Jan 15

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My children since they were teenagers, have been fascinated by this one - as a family we updated our funeral list of songs constantly but in a jolly excited way. I don't really know about remains. I'd like to do the best thing for the environment. My parents were both cremated and are in a garden of remembrance with a rose marking their spot. I am afraid that even though I am in the age bracket to start thinking about it I don't have a lot of energy for it . Yes donation to science would be good.


If I could I would have my remains put into a rocket and shot into the Sun. I've never forgotten that Uncle Carl Sagan told us we are star stuff, and I'd like to be recycled that way. Bit difficult, I know.

Um, yeah. Harder to get to the sun than to get to Pluto, even.

@Coffeo Don't know why, it's a bigger target. I mean you can't help but see the damn thing. You'd think the Sun's gravity would pull you there, but what do I know. I'll ask Lawrence Krause when I see him. 🙂

@David1955 It's all about angular momentum, getting rid of. Even getting to Mercury requires flybys of both Venus and Earth to get rid of the stuff.

@Coffeo l'm sure you right. Lots of UFOs photographed around the Sun, according to the UFOers. I guess got it figured out. 🙂

@David1955 Not convinced about the UFOs, but if they had a propulsion system vastly superior to rockets, they'd probably manage it OK.

@Coffeo Rockets? Oh man, they don't have rockets. They've got really cool stuff like gravity bubbles, and quantum drives, and wormhole generators...or so I am lead to believe... Aren't they lucky?

@David1955 Those are the kind of things I had in mind.


I've thought about being an organ donor. But then a thought crossed my mind. What if doctors don't do the best to save my life when they know I'm a donor? What's stopping thing them from just saying "oh, we couldn't save him."?


Donate organs, donate whatever they want to fibromyalgia research (not sure what they need), if there's anything left donate that to whoever can use it.

The living can decide what they feel like doing to mark the occasion, but I don't want a bunch of money spent. Plant a tree or something if you absolutely must have a physical touchstone. mumbles something about melodramatic crap


my ashes are being scattered under trees i planted to help nature

I kinda like this idea, similar to yours. []

yes, its a great idea but mine doesn't cost the earth but helps save it. if you get a willow when they're dormant in winter and cut off a piece of new growth you can stick it near a river quite deep or water it a lot for the first year or two and it will grow. not near structures though.


I used to lean on the side of cremation...but as of late, I've decided to donate my remains to science.

Nena Level 6 Jan 16, 2018

I think you can have both. When science is done with your body, I believe the remains are returned to your family or whatever you want done with them.

@trasinater Good to know.


A medical intern told me not to sign my organ donation card. They apparently hover like vultures before you take your last breath, taking intervention "liberties" that favour their interests, not yours.

Though I guess at that point it doesn't matter. I'm 62, so who wants my parts anyway? Fuck it, I'll get cremated.


Personally, I am an organ donor. I feel that it is the best way to give meaning to the end of my life by helping others to live a better and healthier life.

Yes, I forgot to mention that in my original post. I am all for organ donation. If there is anything they can salvage from my remains to save another life, have at it. Not sure if you can do both though, donate organs and then the rest to science. I'll have to look into this.


Organ donation of anything they will take, beyond that, recycled in some way would be food, fish food/fertilizer.


Buried in my back yard-au natural-no embalming crap.


I want to be cremated, my ashes put in my girl friends douche and let me in there one last time.
Seriously, I have willed my body to the medical school and it gives me reason to contemplate that I may do more good after I am dead than I ever did while living.

I like this plan, but it would require a willing partner! I don't think my wife would be so willing after I am dead. She's funny like that...


When I die
I want to be cremated
And my ashes put in the toilet
And all of my friends can pass by and pay their respects.......

jasen Level 8 Jan 15, 2018

I would consider this except I hate lines and this would create a long line in my case.


I am an organ donor, so first I'd like any usable organs and tissues to go to whomever it can help. The rest, well if any research organization wants my brain or anything else that's left they are welcome to it!

If my remains need to be dealt with further, I suppose cremation, or whatever means they prefer is fine. I'm dead, I won't care.

I do hope I die with enough money that I can donate it and get something named after me. Maybe a tasteful plaque somewhere, haha.


I hope when I am dead, they will have enough time to harvest my organs and body parts for transplants (and they are in OK state at least lol); the rest can be cremated, and/or planted (I really like an idea of tree planting from the ashes). I don't want to be buried in the ground, because I think it's gross (go figure). I don't want a funeral service, and surely don't want a religious one.Really, though, I don't care too much. Now, the funerals are for the family, not for the dead, so I suppose, my wishes don't matter much here. If I can, I'd rather save someone's life when I die, If I may. If not - oh well.

Yes, I love the idea of cremated remains turning into a tree. And I think I'd like for any of my remaining family to host a small party where friends/relatives can come and bitch and complain about me while eating my food and drinking my booze. Hopefully I will leave enough funds behind for this.


As long as my body isn't taking up space in a cemetery, I really don't care.
Cremation is the most likely option though.
Most med schools will cremate the remains of those who donate their cadavers. They then send the cremains to whomever the decedent designated.

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