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What makes you choose the poitics you support?

Both parties have become comfortable using the term "identity politics"which has many different interpretations stemming from far left ideas to the far right extremes.Generally it expresses the political strategy and attitudes of the electorate based upon their personnel experiences and identity.For example atheists might gather together to oppose church vs state issues based upon a shared identity.These individuals may have all gone to religious schools as their common experience.

Marine 8 Aug 15

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Equal opportunities and rights for all, the welfare and education of children, and government without religious interference in decision making have always been my most important issues... couldn’t care less about government budgets, taxes, foreign relations, world politics, etc... leave that to the ‘experts’ in charge ?




I've pretty much given up. I only deal with individuals voluntarily.


I chose to be an atheist because I could not accept the teachings I received in catholic school and the friends that I made which were good people but according to my teachings they would go to hell because they were not catholic.

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